Well‐being evaluation of mice treated with imiquimod (IMQ). Mice behaviour of nest building was used as an indicator of animal well‐being in psoriasis‐like skin disease. (a) Representative images of nests built by WT and knockout (KOB1, KOB2, and KOB1B2) mice treated with imiquimod for 6 days, as well as their respective naive group (healthy mice). (b) Nest building score. Data are means ± SEM of seven individual animals per group. (c) Illustrative picture of nests built by WT mice treated with SSR240612C (0.1 mg·kg−1), FR173657 (30 mg·kg−1), or vehicle (DMSO, 0.03%, v/v) and submitted to the imiquimod‐induced psoriasis model. (d) Nesting scores. The results are presented as the mean ± SEM of eight individual animals per group. Symbols represent values for individual mouse for each group. No outliers were removed from the database. *P < .05, significantly different from (in b) imiquimod‐treated WT mice or (in c) the vehicle group; #
P < .05 between naive and WT imiquimod‐treated mice or between naive and vehicle‐treated mice; one‐way ANOVA with the Newman–Keuls post hoc test