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. 2020 Jun 19;9(6):1497. doi: 10.3390/cells9061497

Table 1.

Main types of non-surrounded “nucleolus” (NSN)-related and surrounded “nucleolus” (SN)-related configurations of chromatin in mammalian germinal vesicle (GV) oocytes, with reference to the original nomenclature including the karyosphere.

Animal NSN Configurations
(No Karyosphere)
SN-Like Configurations References
Intermediate Configurations without Prominent NLB-Associated Heterochromatin Rim (Karyosphere), Demonstrating Various Extent of Chromatin Condensation Chromatin Configurations With Complete Karyosphere
Mouse NSN
Chromatin is not arranged around the NLB and occupies the whole nucleus
Partly NSN (pNSN)
Some aggregates of chromatin are opposed to the NLB (no karyosphere)
Partly SN (pSN)
A discontinuous heterochromatin rim exists around the NLB (incomplete karyosphere)
A prominent NLB–heterochromatin complex (karyosphere) exists. Condensed chromatin entirely surrounds the NLB
Rat Dictyate stage (stage 1)
Chromatin threads are distributed through the nucleus
Late Dictyate Stage (stage 2)
The “emptiness” of the nucleus is observed (which is apparently due to a karyosphere begins to form)
Chromatin Mass (stage 3)
Similar to the SN stage (karyosphere) in the mouse
Rabbit NSN
Diffuse, filamentous chromatin is distributed through the nucleus
SC (singly condensed)
Chromatin is condensed into a single large clump (karyosphere); nucleoli disappeared completely
Net-Like (NL)
Chromatin is condensed into a net-like structure and surrounds small nucleoli/NLBs (incompact karyosphere)
Loosely Condensed (LC)
Chromatin forms irregularly-shaped clumps scattered throughout the nucleoplasm, or surrounds the nucleoli/NLBs (incompact karyosphere)
Tightly Condensed (NC)
Chromatin further condenses, forming larger clumps with regular edges that are distributed throughout the nucleoplasm or around the nucleoli/NLBs (incompact karyosphere)
Human NSN
Diffusely distributed chromatin
Class A
The NLB is partially surrounded by chromatin that is also distributed throughout the nucleus (no karyosphere)
Class B
All the chromatin surrounds the NLB (a fully formed compact karyosphere)
Class C
Chromatin surrounds the NLB; masses of condensed chromatin are also distributed throughout the nucleus (incompact karyosphere)
Class D
The NLB is surrounded by chromatin; threads of dispersed chromatin are distributed throughout the nucleoplasm (incompact karyosphere)
Monkey GV1
Unrimmed oocytes
NLBs are partially rimmed by chromatin (incomplete karyosphere)
NLBs are completely rimmed by chromatin (a fully formed compact karyosphere)
Diffuse and filamentous chromatin is distributed throughout the nuclear area
Prematurely-condensed NSN (cNSN)
Similar to NSN, but chromatin is condensed into solid masses distributed through the nucleoplasm
Partly NSN (pNSN)
Chromatin begins to condense, particularly in the region around the NLB
Prematurely-Condensed pNSN (cpNSN)
Early NLB-associated heterochromatin rim (karyosphere) is already exists, but many chromatin blocks are also visible outside
Partly SN (pSN)
Similar to SN, but condensed chromatin is distributed in a wider area of the nucleus (incompact karyosphere)
Prematurely-Condensed pSN (cpSN)
Similar to SN, but single heterochromatin blocks are present outside the karyosphere, resembling mouse SN
All the chromatin surrounds the NLB (a fully formed compact karyosphere), as in human Class B oocytes
Dog Diffuse
Chromatin is homogeneously distributed throughout the nucleoplasm
Partly Grouped
Chromatin is partly gathered around the nucleolus/NLB (incomplete karyosphere)
Chromatin is restricted to a specific area of the nucleus, surrounding the NLB (a fully formed compact karyosphere)
Cat 1 Chromatin occupies most of the oocyte nucleus, and a reticular chromatin configuration persists during follicular development N/A [24]
Cattle NSN
Diffuse, filamentous chromatin occupies the whole nuclear volume
Net-Like (N) Configuration
Condensed chromatin forms a net-like structure in the nucleoplasm, but does not surround the NLBs
Clumped (C) Configuration
Chromatin condensed into large clumps is usually located in the vicinity of the nuclear envelope but does not surround the NLBs
Floccular (F) Configuration
Floccular chromatin is located near the NLBs and nuclear envelope
NLBs are surrounded by condensed chromatin (karyosphere)
Sheep NSN
Diffuse chromatin occupies the whole nuclear volume
Condensed chromatin surrounds the nucleolus
SNE (specific for sheep)
Condensed chromatin is observed near the nucleolus and the nuclear envelope
Horse Fibrillar
Strands of chromatin are located through the nucleoplasm
Strands or irregular chromatin masses occupy over half of nucleus
Fluorescing Nucleus (FN)
The nucleus displays diffuse or spotty chromatin
Loosely Condensed Chromatin (LCC)
Looks as an incompact karyosphere
Tightly Condensed Chromatin (TCC)
Chromatin is organized in a single irregular or circular mass, usually surrounding a nucleolar derivative/NLB (compact karyosphere)
Goat 1 GV1
Chromatin is distributed throughout the nucleoplasm, exhibiting a diffuse, filamentous pattern; one or two large nucleoli exist
GV2 (GV2n/GV2c)
One or two medium sized nucleoli exist; chromatin forms a net-like structure throughout the nucleoplasm (GV2n) or condenses into several large clumps (GV2c)
The nucleus contains small nucleoli similar to those of GV3n, but the chromatin is condensed further into several large clumps
One or two small nucleoli exist; chromatin condenses into a net-like structure over the nucleoplasm
GV4 (orphan)
chromatin is clumped, but no nucleoli are observed
N/A [23]
Ferret FC (fibrillar chromatin)
Chromatin strands occupy most of the nuclear volume
Intermediate Condensed Chromatin (ICC)
Dense, irregular chromatin masses are distributed throughout the nucleus
Condensed Chromatin (CC)
Chromatin is highly compact and centered around the nucleolus, forming a compact karyosphere

1 No typical karyosphere found in any stage. N/A, no similar stage determined; NLB, nucleolus-like body; original terms are italicized.