Figure 5.
Analysis of the RGA binding region in the SCL3 promoter. (A) Transient assays to determine the RGA binding region in the SCL3 promoter. A series of deletions of the SCL3 promoters used for reporter construction are shown on the left. The number on the right side of the bars indicates the average of the activity. The number on the promoter indicates the nucleotide number from ATG. TSS: transcription start site. Asterisks are placed when the activity was significantly different from that on the subsequent short promoter (* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01). (B) Nucleotide sequence between −1470 bp and −1422 bp in the SCL3 promoter. A deletion mutation was introduced in the −1470 bp promoter of SCL3 to construct −1470Δ1, −1470Δ2, and −1470Δ3 reporters. The underlined, red sequences were deleted. (C) Schematic diagram of the mutant series of the −1470 bp promoter of SCL3 used in the transient assays. (D) Activation by RGA on the mutant SCL3 promoter. As a control, an empty vector was used, and all LUC activities were expressed relative to this control (value set at 1). Values shown are the average of results from three or four independent experiments. Error bars represent the SD. Asterisks indicate a significant difference compared with the −1470 bp promoter (* p < 0.05).