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. 2020 Jul 3;11:1235. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.01235


Abundance (%) of sequence variants common to both libraries for each week that bear mutations associated with a reduced accumulation.

Variants Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Rate of decrease* (times)
Ins:C253 L1 20.1103 0.1045 0.0408 0.7745 26.0
L2 24.7860 0.1622 0.0733 0.5159 48.0
Ins:G254 L1 5.3295 0.0224 0.0056 0.2507 21.3
L2 8.1040 0.0468 0.0193 0.1944 41.7
Ins:U254 L1 1.3632 0.0073 0.0039 0.0487 28.0
L2 1.4970 0.0121 0.0051 0.0333 45.0
Ins:A254 L1 1.3605 0.0091 0.0022 0.0602 27.6
L2 2.8546 0.0202 0.0064 0.0643 44.4

*Rate of decrease: abundance at week 1/abundance at week 4.