Figure 12.
The undifferentiated histologic types of testicular germ cell tumor type II (TGCT), seminoma (SE), and embryonal carcinoma (EC) had overlap with upregulation of three genes shown with red arrows and downregulation of one gene shown with a blue arrow in the orange box. Microenvironmental factors can upregulate DNMT3B that blocks SOX17 and KLF4 and upregulates SOX2 and LIN28A, genetic changes associated with the histologic transition from a seminomatous cell type to an embryonal carcinoma cell type. Significant genes are associated with the main features of the malignant undifferentiated germ cells such as self-renewal, hyperproliferation, and sensitivity to platin-based chemotherapy. As for the genes, red arrows denote increased RNA expressions or a stimulus of genes and the blue arrows denote reduced RNA expression or an inhibition of genes.