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. 2020 Jun 24;21(12):4497. doi: 10.3390/ijms21124497
AA Additive × additive (epistatic) effect
AE Additive effect
A*E QTL × environment interaction
ANOVA Analysis of variance
Chr Chromosome
CIM Composite interval mapping
cM centi-Morgan
cm Centimetre
CPS Canada Prairie Spring wheat class
CWSP Canada Western Special Purpose wheat class
cv Cultivar
CV Coefficient of variation
df Degrees of freedom
DH Doubled haploid
DI Disease incidence
DON Deoxynivalenol
DS Disease severity
DTA Days to anthesis
E Environment
FDK Fusarium damaged kernels
Fg Fusarium graminearum (Schwabe)
FHB Fusarium head blight
G Genotype
GA Gibberellic acid
GDD Growing degree days
His Histidine-rich calcium-binding protein
I Intermediate
JD Julian calendar days
LG Linkage group
LOD Logarithm of the odds
MR Moderately resistant
MS Moderately susceptible
PFT Pore-forming toxin-like protein
PHT Plant height
QTL Quantitative trait loci
R Resistant
R2 Phenotypic variation
Rht Reduced height
S Susceptible
SNP Single nucleotide polymorphism
SSR Simple sequence repeat
VRI Visual rating index