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. 2020 Jun 24;21(12):4497. doi: 10.3390/ijms21124497

Table 4.

Details of epistasis quantitative trait loci (QTL) identified for disease incidence (DI), severity (DS), visual rating index (VRI = DI x DS), deoxynivalenol content (DON), and days to anthesis (DTA) and plant height (PHT) on different wheat chromosomes (chrs) in AAC Innova x AAC Tenacious doubled haploid population.

Trait QTL_i a Chr Interval_i b Position_i c Range_i d QTL_j a Chr Interval_jb Position_j c Range_j d AA e SE f
DI 1–12 1A BS00103478_51-BS00081682_51 17.7 12.7–23.2 2–86 1B RAC875_c102886_73-Tdurum_contig9144_222 138.0 133.7–139.9 0.44 0.08 **
5–82 2B IAAV1743-Jagger_c3435_145 118.4 115.5–126.3 13–83 5A RAC875_rep_c109969_119-RFL_contig316_572 151.3 148.0–161.4 −0.41 0.10 **
6–11 # 2D Ppd-D1-wsnp_CAP12_c1503_764765 38.9 36–44.4 5–51 # 2B Tdurum_contig53156_111-Tdurum_contig1653_190 81.3 72.6–82.5 −0.38 0.08 **
6–42 2D RAC875_c5998_1056-D_F5MV3MU01EDEO3_100 145.5 142.6–155.6 4–6 2A Excalibur_rep_c106338_424-RAC875_c54668_102 36.5 25.5–49.0 −0.51 0.09 **
DS 6–10 # 2D wsnp_CAP12_c812_428290-RAC875_c7319_195 38.1 34.5–42.4 6–22 # 2D BobWhite_c17782_194-TA002913-0806 115.4 106.2–120.4 −0.20 0.08 **
VRI 6–10 # 2D wsnp_CAP12_c812_428290-RAC875_c7319_195 38.1 36.1–39.4 6–22 # 2D BobWhite_c17782_194-TA002913-0806 112.4 108.2–119.4 −2.90 0.98 **
10–41 4A RAC875_c6075_214-BobWhite_c35402_66 84.8 84.2–87.8 14–7 5B RAC875_c39204_91-TA015732-1144 20.6 12.6–27.6 6.40 0.89 **
DON 6–10 # 2D wsnp_CAP12_c812_428290-RAC875_c7319_195 38.1 28.5–48.4 11–17 # 4B Ex_c101685_705-Tdurum_contig42229_113 49.5 47.7–50.0 2.02 0.41 **
6–21 # 2D wsnp_ku_c8712_14751858- BobWhite_c17782_194 107.2 104.2–110.2 8–69 # 3B Kukri_c13345_481-wsnp_Ex_c19778_28779907 132.7 130.1–135.3 1.52 0.57 **
8–12 3B RAC875_rep_C107068_182-RAC875_rep_C69171_241 6.7 0.0–18.4 17–12 6B IAAV5385-Tdurum_contig61178_618 28.5 25.8–34.5 1.92 0.53 **
8–69 # 3B Kukri_c13345_481-wsnp_Ex_c19778_28779907 132.7 130.1–135.3 20–16 # 7B Kukri_c19823_491-CAP11_rep_c8279_82 53.7 52.1–58.3 −1.65 0.54 **
13–9 5A Ex_C95453_1499-Excalibur_c13536_202 20.3 16.3–33.3 13–98 # 5A Kukri_c108256_381-BS00090847_51 195.7 184.7–196.9 −1.93 0.43 **
13–52 5A wsnp_Ku_c15816_24541162-GENE-3314_78 88.4 87.9–91.1 21–12 7D D_GCE8AKX02ILA1U_88-D_CONTIG12156_209 103.8 94.8–111.9 −3.62 0.46 **
DTA 6–10 # 2D wsnp_CAP12_c812_428290-RAC875_c7319_195 38.1 36.1–40.4 19–123 7A Wsnp_Ku_c8437_14341371-Excalibur_c3188_1352 234.8 228.3–238.5 0.55 0.20 **
PHT 6–12 # 2D wsnp_CAP12_c1503_764765-wsnp_Ku_c12022_19520410 39.4 36.1–45.4 7–35 # 3A Excalibur_c19671_139-wsnp_Ex_c9458_15679797 88.9 85.0–92.2 −0.67 0.31 *
11–17 # 4B Ex_c101685_705-Tdurum_contig42229_113 49.5 48.7–50.0 21–12 # 7D D_GCE8AKX02ILA1U_88-D_CONTIG12156_209 79.8 74.0–85.8 −1.08 0.31 **

Note: a QTL_i and QTL_j: The two QTL involved in an epistatic interaction. QTL are named with the relevant chromosome and the marker intervals. The first (before ‘–’) and second (after ‘–’) part of QTL name represents chr number (1 to 21) and marker interval, respectively on relevant chromosome; b Interval_i and interval_j: The flanking markers of QTL_i and QTL_j, respectively; cPosition_i and position_j: The distance between QTL_i/QTL_j and the first marker of the relevant chromosome; d Range_i and range_j: The position support intervals of QTL_i and QTL_j, respectively; e AA: The estimated additive x additive (epistatic) effect. A positive epistasis value means that the phenotype is higher than expected, while a negative epistasis value means that the phenotype is lower than expected.; f SE: The standard error of estimated or predicted QTL effect; significance codes: p ** ≤0.01, p * ≤0.05; # loci also appeared during main effect QTL analysis.