RBC-derived EVs are enriched in ceramide and dihydroceramide species at the end of storage but nearly depleted in sphingomyelin and phosphatidylcholine species. RBC-released EVs were isolated from total blood EVs by immunopurification and analyzed by LC-MS for their content in: (A,B) ceramide (cer) and dihydroceramide (dhcer) species; (C) SM d18:1 species; and (D–F) phosphatidylcholine (PC; presented in two graphs according to the length of their carbon chains) and lysoPC species. Each curve depicts one lipid species; circle, saturated lipid; triangle, lipid containing at least one MUFA; inverted triangle, lipid containing at least one PUFA; black to light gray and white colors, short to long carbon chains. Notice that most of the SM species (e.g., 16:1) and some PC species (e.g., 16:0_18:0) were at the limit of detection. Representative experiment out of 2. All data were expressed as % of the EVs stored for 1 week and are means ± SD of 4 replicates.