Figure 8.
Relative tyrosine phosphorylation levels (using α-tubulin as a loading control) for glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK3)α (a) and GSK3β (b) during in vitro capacitation and progesterone-induced acrosomal exocytosis (300 min) after previous storage of spermatozoa at 17 °C with different concentrations of seminal plasma (0%, 15%, and 30%) for 48 h or 72 h. Grey arrow indicates the time at which 10 μg/mL progesterone was added to induce acrosomal exocytosis (i.e., 240 min). Results are shown as mean ± SEM for seven separate experiments. Different letters mean significant (p < 0.05) differences between treatments at a given time point. Representative blots for p-Tyr-GSK3α/β (c) and α-tubulin (d). Lanes: (M) protein ladder; (1) 72 h, 0% SP, 0 min; (2) 72 h, 0% SP, 120 min; (3) 72 h, 0% SP, 240 min; (4) 72 h, 0% SP, 245 min; (5) 72 h, 0% SP, 270 min; (6) 72 h, 0% SP, 300 min; (7) 72 h, 15% SP, 0 min; (8) 72 h, 15% SP, 120 min; (9) 72 h, 15% SP, 240 min.