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. 2020 Jun 12;9(6):463. doi: 10.3390/pathogens9060463

Table 3.

Alpha- and beta-diversity of gut microbiome in psoriasis compared with healthy controls.

Study Indices of
Gut Microbiota α-Diversity in
Indices of
Gut Microbiota β-Diversity in
Yeh et al. [19] Shannon index, Simpson index No differences were observed UniFrac analysis (weighted and unweighted analyses),
Bray Curtis index
Significant difference
Shapiro et al. [20] Shannon index, rarefaction curves No differences were observed UniFrac analysis (weighted and unweighted analyses) Significant difference
Huang et al. [21] Shannon index, Simpson index,
ACE index,
Chao1 index
Shannon and Simpson indexes—no differences
ACE and Chao indexes—decreased in psoriasis
PCA based on the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity distance Significant difference
Hidalgo-Cantabrana et al. [22] Shannon index,
Chao1 index,
Faith’s phylogenetic diversity index
Lower diversity in psoriasis unweighted Unifrac analysis Significant difference
Chen et al. [23] Shannon index, Simpson index,
Chao1 index,
number of observed OTUs
No differences were observed UniFrac analysis (weighted and unweighted analyses),
Bray Curtis index
Significant difference (psoriasis patients with BMI < 25)
Codoner et al. [24] Shannon index Greater diversity in psoriasis PCA Significant difference
Tan et al. [25] Shannon index, Simpson index,
ACE index,
Chao1 index
No differences were observed PCA,
Significant difference
Scher et al. [28] Shannon index, Faith’s phylogenetic diversity index Lower diversity in psoriasis unweighted Unifrac analysis Significant difference

ACE—abundance-based coverage estimator; OTUs—operational taxonomic units; PCA—principal component analysis; UPGMA—The Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean.