Figure 7.
Analysis of the humoral immune responses of related nematode sera to OvMANE1 chimeric antigen. (A) Purified OvMANE1_MBP chimeric antigen or MBP (control) was used to coat microtiter plates. Microtiter plates were blocked and later incubated with serum from OVS, BMS, MPS, ALS or WBS followed by incubation with goat anti-human IgG peroxidase conjugate. The microtiter plates were revealed using TMB, the optical density (OD) was read at 450 nm and OD values were plotted against the different serum types. OVS = O. volvulus serum (n = 52), BMS = B. malayi serum (n = 03), MPS = M. perstans serum (n = 06), ALS = A. lumbricoides serum (n = 06) and WBS = W. bancrofti serum (n = 06). (B) OvMANE1_MBP antigen recognition patterns. Western blotting experiments were performed to address the reaction patterns of OvMANE1_MBP with pools of serum samples form O. volvulus patients and related nematodes samples, using the MBP-tag as a control. Serum pools were made as follows: OVS = O. volvulus serum (n = pool of 10 serum samples), ITS = Ivermectin treated serum (n = pool of 10 serum samples), HES = Hypo-endemic serum (n = pool of 10 serum samples), ECS = European control serum (n = pool of 3 serum samples), MPS = M. perstans serum (n = pool of 6 serum samples), BMS = B. malayi serum (n = pool of 3 serum samples), ALS = A. lumbricoides serum (n = pool of 6 serum samples) and WBS = W. bancrofti serum (n = pool of 6 serum samples). The black arrow indicates the position of OvMANE1 chimeric protein on the strip.