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. 2020 May 26;9(6):413. doi: 10.3390/pathogens9060413

Table 5.

Comparison of results in autopsied fetuses according to high-resolution melting analysis (HRMA), lfb1 phylogeny and serology in dams.

HRMA rtPCR lfb1 Sequencing Serology of Dam Necropsy
Fœtus ID Sample ID Tm Species Group Attribution Species Group Attribution MAT Group
f050 15095924-1509927-159915 81.92 interrogans interrogans cluster 1b 1/500 Australis Icteric
f033 14040522.1-1610225.2 81.93 interrogans interrogans cluster 1a 1/1000 Icterohaemorrhagiae Icteric
f010 14048419.1-1610225.3 81.69 interrogans interrogans cluster 2 1/500 Australis Icteric
f032 14045546 81.71 interrogans interrogans cluster 1b - Icteric
f044 14057925-1417554.1-1417819 81.72 interrogans interrogans cluster 1b ND (1/100 Ballum 1/100 Grippothyphosa) Icteric
f028 15050216-1506066.2 82.96 kirschneri kirschneri cluster 1/100 Grippotyphosa Icteric
f007 14047394.1-1610225.1 82.82 kirschneri - 1/500 Grippotyphosa Icteric
f031 14044550 82.76 kirschneri kirschneri cluster - Icteric