Table 2.
Food and Average Household Income Values for USAPR Jurisdictions and Portland, Oregon–March 2014*.
Jurisdiction | Towns surveyed (N) | Median food price($)** | Average weekly (wk) cost of food ($/wk)*** | Average weekly costs as percent of Portland (%) | Average weekly income ($) | Average food cost as a percent of income (%) |
Alaska | 4 | 2.50 (2.91) | 181.9 (13.2) | 127 | 1344 | 13.5 |
American Samoa | 3 | 2.22 (2.75) | 198.42 (15.2) | 139 | 496 | 40 |
CNMI | 6 | 2.24 (2.63) | 213.58 (10.8) | 150 | 414 | 51.6 |
FSM | 2 | 2.80 (3.54) | 264.37 (26.4) | 185 | . | . |
Guam | 6 | 2.66 ( 3.17) | 236.73 (11.8) | 166 | 1002 | 23.6 |
Hawai‘i | 4 | 2.66 (3.43) | 217.27 (13.2) | 152 | 1183 | 18.4 |
Palau | 1 | 2.68 (3.74) | 260.13 (26.4) | 182 | . | . |
Marshall Islands | 1 | 2.86 (2.48) | 245.32 (26.4) | 172 | . | . |
Portland | 1 | 1.70 (2.46) | 142.37 (26.4) | 100 | 1013 | 14.1 |
USAPR = US-affiliated Pacific Region, CNMI = Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, FSM = Federated States of Micronesia
Income data unavailable for some jurisdictions.
Median (interquartile range) using Kruskai-Walis (P < .01).
Means (standard deviation) using ANOVA (P < .05). Mean does not include Portland.
Sources. Alaska, Hawai‘i, and Portland median household income, 2009-2013 American Community Survey 5-Year estimates, US Census Bureau, US Department of Commerce. America Samoa, CNMI, and Guam median household income, 2010 Census, US Census Bureau, US Department of Commerce [inflation adjusted by the Consumer Price Index For All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) to 2013 dollars)].