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. 2019 Aug 27;26(6):919–925. doi: 10.1093/ibd/izz189


Patient Follow-up Information

Total Pneumonia after IBD Diagnosis
No Yes
Patients, N (%) 29,957 (100%) 28,376 (94.7%) 1581 (5.3%)
Follow-up, days Mean (SD) 1749 (908) 1790 (897) 1018 (772)
Steroid at baseline, N (%) 5629 (18.8%) 5071 (17.9%) 558 (35.3%)
Steroid during follow-upa, N (%) 6071 (20.3%) 5541 (19.5%) 530 (33.5%)
Steroid at baseline only, N (%) 2687 (9.3%) 2424 (8.5%) 263 (16.6%)
Steroid during follow-up onlya, N (%) 3129 (10.4%) 2894 (10.2%) 235 (14.9%)
Steroid at baseline and during follow-up,a N (%) 2942 (9.8%) 2647 (9.3%) 295 (18.7%)
No steroid use, N (%) 21,199 (70.8%) 20,411 (71.9%) 788 (49.8%)

aIncludes steroid use during follow-up and before censoring.