Table 2. Nutrient concentration classes based on reference crop nutrient levels.
Fiber | Ca | Fe | Mg | Zn | A | B9 | C | E | |
% | mg/100g | mg/100g | mg/100g | mg/100g | Mg RAE | mcg/100g | mg/100g | mg/100g | |
Very low | 0.00–0.39 | 0.00–11.84 | 0.00–0.46 | 0.00–11.24 | 0.00–0.15 | 0.00 | 0.00–13.49 | 0.00–5.64 | 0.00–0.04 |
Low | 0.40–1.45 | 11.85–86.71 | 0.47–1.01 | 11.25–35.75 | 0.16–0.29 | 0.00–0.18 | 13.50–73.07 | 5.65–42.33 | 0.05–0.73 |
Medium | 1.46–2.50 | 86.72–161.57 | 1.02–1.55 | 35.76–60.26 | 0.30–0.42 | 0.19–0.37 | 73.08–132.63 | 42.34–79.01 | 0.74–1.42 |
High | 2.51–3.85 | 161.58–238.70 | 1.56–2.11 | 60.27–85.50 | 0.43–0.56 | 0.38–0.55 | 132.64–194.00 | 79.02–116.80 | 1.43–2.54 |
Very high | 3.59–7.15 | 238.71–477.40 | 2.12–4.21 | 85.51–171.00 | 0.57–1.12 | 0.56–1.11 | 194.01–388.00 | 116.81–233.59 | 2.55–5.08 |
Extremely high | 7.16+ | 477.41+ | 4.22+ | 171.01+ | 1.13+ | 1.12+ | 388.01+ | 233.6+ | 5.09 |
“Very low” indicates nutrient values lower than the lowest value for the reference vegetables. “Low” is from the lowest tertile of the reference vegetable range, “medium” is the middle tertile, and “high” is the highest tertile. “Very high” ranges from the highest end of the range to twice the highest end, while “extremely high” is more than double the highest end of the range.