Fig 4.
Comparison between the raw parameters of fetal heart rate (FHR) and electrohysterogram (EHG) coupling at the third trimester of pregnancy provided either by the maximum coefficient of coherence (CRAW), the normalized cross-correlation coefficient (X-corrrRAW) and cross-sample entropy (X-SampEnRAW) or by the Bivariate Phase-Rectified Signal Averaging versions (BPRSA) of the maximum coefficient of coherence (CBPRSA), the normalized cross-correlation coefficient (X-corrrBPRSA) and the cross-sample entropy (X-SampEnBPRSA): a) CRAW vs. CBPRSA (0.53±0.10 vs. 0.82±0.15); b) X-CorrRAW vs. X-CorrBPRSA (0.42±0.12 vs. 0.63± 0.17) and c): X-SampEnRAW vs. X-SampEnBPRSA (3.70±0.65 vs. 2.68±0.48), respectively. *p<0.0001 according to Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank test.