Figure 9.
Lack of effect by [V11L,V16D]ArIB on ACh-evoked currents. (A-C) Examples of small, large, and mean amplitude currents evoked by PNU282987 (30 μM). PNU282987-evoked currents were substantially smaller than those evoked by ACh (300 μM) in the same cells (−37 ± 57 pA vs −3992 ± 1649 pA, respectively; n=7). (D) ACh-evoked currents (green symbols) before, during, and after exposure to [V11L,V16D]ArIB (100 nM) followed by TxID (1 μM). ACh-evoked currents in the presence of [V11L,V16D]ArIB were 102 ± 4% of controls and reduced to 2 ± 1% in the presence of TxID (n=5). (E) Currents in the presence of [V11L,V16D]ArIB (−3275 ± 949 pA) were no different than controls (−3193 ± 1067 pA, n=5; p > 0.05, t-test). By contrast, those in the presence of TxID (−50 ± 24 pA) were significantly smaller (n=5; ** p ≤ 0.01, t-test). Current traces in C and D are from the same cell. The ‘±’ values and error bars indicate the SD; n values indicate the number of cells obtained from one cell culture.