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. 2020 Feb 7;36(3):257–266. doi: 10.1007/s43188-019-00029-x

Table 2.

Outcomes of the patients, serum pseudocholinesterase levels and atropine utilization

Treatment pattern
Parameter ATR alone
N = 134 n (%)
N = 189 n (%)
N = 33 n (%)
and GPR
N = 85 n (%)
p value
Primary outcome
 Survived 115 (85.82%) 167 (88.36%) 29 (87.88%) 64 (75.29%) 0.041c
 Expired 19 (14.18%) 22 (11.64%) 4 (12.12%) 21 (24.71%)
Secondary outcomes
 Intubation 55 (41.04) 52 (27.51%) 18 (54.55%) 43 (50.59%) < 0.001c
 ICU days, mean (SD) 9.49 (6.04) 9.16 (5.72) 11.63 (5.95) 11.51 (7.80)
 ICU days, median (95% CI) 8 (5–12) 8 (6–11) 12 (7–15) 10 (6–15) 0.022a
 Days on ventilator, mean (SD) 9.15 (6.72) 8.80 (7.28) 11.84 (4.18) 10.71 (7.41)
 Days on ventilator, median (95% CI) 8 (3.25–13) 8 (4, 11) 12 (7, 14) 9.5 (5–14.75) 0.030a
 Hospitalization days, mean (SD) 13.11 (8.33) 12.39 (7.17) 13.79 (7.68) 15.16 (9.92)
 Hospitalization days, median (95% CI) 11 (8.75–16) 11 (8–15.5) 13 (7–19) 13 (8.5–19) 0.168a
Poison Severity Score
 Minor 78 (58.21) 96 (50.79) 21 (63.64) 25 (29.41) < 0.001c
 Moderate 25 (18.66) 52 (27.51) 7 (21.21) 24 (28.24) 0.237c
 Severe 12 (8.96) 19 (10.05) 1 (3.03) 15 (17.65) 0.077c
 Fatal 19 (14.18) 22 (11.64) 4 (12.12) 21 (24.71) 0.041c
Serum pseudo-cholinesterase levels
 Median (95% CI) (IU/L) 601.5 (147.5–3316.75) 258 (171–2767) 742 (123–3184) 242 (160–984) 0.530a
Total dosage of ATR utilized
 Median (95% CI) (mg) 454 (146.5–1362.54) 491.3 (166.4–1281.58) 687 (106.3–1971) 864.55 (304.2–2010.4) 0.016a
Total dosage of PAM utilized
 Median (95% CI) (gm) NA 4 (3–6) NA 6 (4–7) < 0.001b
Total dosage of GPR utilized
 Median (95% CI) (mg) NA NA 10.28 (3.6–65.2) 21.2 (7.8–63.3) 0.276b

n number, % percentage, SD standard deviation, CI confidence interval, mg milligram, gm gram, IU/L international units per litre, NA not applicable, ATR atropine, PAM pralidoxime, GPR glycopyrrolate

aKruskal–Wallis test

bMann–Whitney pair-wise comparison test

cChi-Square test