Fig. 3. Bathymodiolus azoricus gill transcriptome was cyclic at the hydrothermal vent field (1688 m depth).
Normalisation performed with down-sampling and DESeq2. a Heatmap of median-normalised expression patterns of all 2502 rhythmic transcripts detected in the interval 10.4–14.4 h. b Euler diagrams detailing the number of rhythmic transcripts detected in the interval 10.4–14.4 h and specifically with a period of 12.4 h using both RAIN (dark and light brown disks) and ABSR (dark and light blue disks) methods. c Seawater temperature (brown continuous line) and pressure (blue dotted line) profiles recorded on the Lucky Strike vent field at the time of sampling. d Heatmap of median-normalised expression patterns of all 869 rhythmic transcripts detected in the interval 20–24.8 h. e Euler diagrams showing the number of rhythmic transcripts detected in the interval 20–24.8 h and specifically with a period of 24.8 h using both RAIN (dark and light green disks) and ABSR (dark and light orange disks) methods. f GO terms associated to all the rhythmic transcripts detected in the range 10.4–14.4 h and g, in the range 20–24.8 h. All heatmaps are single-plotted and represent five individuals per time point. Rhythmic transcripts are ordered by phase. Heatmap colours: median-normalised expression levels greater than 1.5-fold are shown as gold yellow; expression levels less than 0.5-fold are shown as light blue. Heatmap heights and disk areas are proportional to the number of transcripts.