Figure 6.
TMB and clinically relevant genetic alterations. For targetable driver alterations (green and blue), TKI-sensitive mutations were counted. Regarding KEAP1, ARID1A, STK11, and POLE, all non-synonymous aberrations (red) were considered. Data are presented as box plots with a 95% confident interval. The line indicates the mean, the + indicates the median. Statistical analysis by ANOVA revealed significant differences in TMB between EGFR and KEAP1, ARID1A, POLE, and STK11 (#) mutated groups; between ALK fusion and KEAP1, ARID1A, POLE, and STK11 mutated groups (§); and between targetable driver mutations and all red groups (¶); and lastly, between targetable and non-targetable driver mutation groups (¶¶).