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. 2020 Jun 16;12(6):1787. doi: 10.3390/nu12061787

Table 4.

Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for the presence of an intake similar to or greater than the median of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamin D, relative to family and personal factors, in the adapted milk consumer sample (AMS) of the EsNuPI children population (n = 741).

Calcium (mg/day) (≥P50) Phosphorus (mg/day) (≥P50) Magnesium (mg/day) (≥P50) Vitamin D (µg/day) (≥P50)
Factor Subcategories OR IC p OR IC p OR IC p OR IC p
Sex Boys 1 1 1 1
Girls 1.005 0.754–1.341 0.971 0.995 0.746–1.327 0.971 1.005 0.754–1.341 0.971 0.995 0.746–1.327 0.971
Age ¥ 1 to <4 years 1 1 1 1
4 to <6 years 1.029 0.703–1.506 0.885 1.000 0.683–1.464 1.000 1.000 0.717–1.395 1.000 1.000 0.683–1.464 1.000
6 to <10 years 1.011 0.715–1.430 0.951 1.011 0.715–1.430 0.951 0.989 0.685–1.429 0.954 1.011 0.715–1.430 0.951
Number of feeding bottles or glasses of milk per day Less than 2 1 1 1 1
2 or more 2.206 1.556–3.129 0.000* 1.302 0.928–1.826 0.127 0.961 0.686–1.346 0.815 2.352 1.655–3.342 0.000 *
Physical activity (PAL) <P50 by sex and age 1 1 1 1
≥P50 by sex and age 0.797 0.597–1.063 0.123 0.968 0.726–1.291 0.825 0.763 0.571–1.018 0.066 1.067 0.800–1.423 0.659
Size of the municipality 50,001–300,000 people 1 1 1 1
>300,000 people 0.874 0.654–1.167 0.362 1.427 1.067–1.908 0.016 * 1.441 1.078–1.927 0.014 * 0.709 0.530–0.948 0.020 *
Family income ≤2000 €/month 1 1 1 1
>2000 €/month 0.973 0.692–1.369 0.877 1.245 0.885–1.751 0.209 1.406 0.999–1.980 0.051 1.183 0.841–1.665 0.334
Not known/no answer 0.854 0.598–1.219 0.385 1.128 0.790–1.61 0.507 1.489 1.042–2.129 0.029* 0.938 0.658–1.339 0.726
Highest level of education achieved by one of the parents ≤10 years of education 1 1 1 1
Secondary education 1.039 0.383–2.820 0.940 1.100 0.405–2.986 0.852 0.770 0.282–2.107 0.611 0.935 0.345–2.539 0.896
University studies 0.933 0.341–2.554 0.893 0.883 0.323–2.417 0.809 0.789 0.286–2.174 0.646 1.071 0.392–2.932 0.893
BMI for age Normal BMI 1 1 1 1
Overweight and obese 1.045 0.767–1.423 0.783 1.045 0.767–1.423 0.783 1.063 0.780–1.449 0.697 1.194 0.876–1.627 0.262
Underweight 0.822 0.436–1.552 0.546 0.747 0.394–1.414 0.370 0.837 0.444–1.58 0.583 0.868 0.460–1.637 0.661
Height for age Normal height 1 1 1 1
High stature 1.260 0.721–2.201 0.417 0.929 0.534–1.617 0.795 0.868 0.499–1.512 0.618 0.777 0.445–1.357 0.375
Stunting 0.813 0.548–1.206 0.303 0.531 0.354–0.795 0.002 * 0.863 0.582–1.278 0.462 1.165 0.786–1.727 0.447

OR: odds ratio. PAL: physical activity level. P50 or median was calculated in in the adapted milk consumer group for each nutrient by sex and age group, and was used to categorize children according to whether they had a usual nutrient intake below the median or superior. ¥ Except for magnesium (1 to <3 years, 3 to <6 years, 6 to <10 years). Underweight was defined as Z-BMI/age < −2SD, normal BMI/age was defined as Z-BMI/age −2SD to +1SD and overweight and obese as Z-BMI/age > +1SD, as per World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines [28,29]. Stunting was defined as Z-height/age < −2SD, normal BMI/age was defined as Z-height/age −2SD to +2SD and high stature as Z-height/age > +2SD, as per WHO guidelines. * A p-Value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.