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. 2020 Jun 16;12(6):1790. doi: 10.3390/nu12061790


Author/s—Year Study Design Population Intervention Analyzed Results Main Conclusions
Zamora et al., 1995 [29] Placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized 24 ♂ healthy students;
22.9 ± 2.1 y;
68.0 ± 8.7 Kg;
178.1 ± 6.6 cm;
Body fat 11.2 ± 4.4 %
PbG n = 12 ♂
22.5 ± 2.0 y;
67.3 ± 7.0 Kg;
177.4 ± 7.0 cm;
Body fat 10.1 ± 3.9 %
SeG n = 12 ♂
23.28 ± 2.36 y;
68.78 ± 10.44 Kg;
178.7 ± 6.3 cm;
Body fat 12.3 ± 4.8 %
Supplementation: 180 μg Se (Seleniomethionine) once per day * 10-week period
PhA: 10-week endurance training programme (3 sessions per week) after a 4-week period of restricted
At rest Post-PhA
Pre-PhA vs. Post-PhA SeG vs. PbG Pre-PhA vs. Post-PhA SeG vs. PbG
Muscle mitochondria morphometric parameters
↑*SelG ↔ PbG
↑*SelGr ↔ PbG
↔ SelGr ↔ PbG
#SelGr vs PbG
#SelGr vs PbG
#SelGr vs PbG
↑*SelG ↔ PbG
↑*SelG ↔ PbG
↔ SelGr ↔ PbG
#SelGr vs PbG
↔ SelGr vs PbG
#SelGr vs PbG
VO2max ↔ SelGr ↔ PbG † SelGr vs PbG ↔ SelGr ↔ PbG † SelGr vs PbG
Body fat % ↔ SelGr ↔ PbG † SelGr vs PbG ↔ SelGr ↔ PbG † SelGr vs PbG
BMI Kg*m2 ↔ SelGr ↔ PbG † SelGr vs PbG ↔ SelGr ↔ PbG † SelGr vs PbG
Tessier et al., 1995 [30] Placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized 24 ♂ healthy;
22.9 ± 2.1 y
Supplementation: 240 μg organic selenium (70% selenomethionine) Selenion® once per day *10-week period
PhA: 4-week deconditioning period with no training, followed by running endurance training lasting 10 week (3 sessions/week).
Pre-PhA vs. Post-PhA SeG vs. PbG
[Se] ↑*SelG ↓PbG † SelGr vs PbG
Vitamin E ↓SelG ↑PbG † SelGr vs PbG
GPx muscle
PhA cronic ↓SelG ↓PbG † SelGr vs PbG
PhA acute ↑*SelG ↓*PbG # SelGr vs PbG

♂: Men; ♀: Women; NW: Normal weight; OW: Over weight; y: Years; Kg: Kilograms; m: Meters; cm: Centimeters; BMI: Body mass index; PhA: Physical activity; Se: Selenium; [Se]: Plasma Selenium levels; ↑*: Statistically significant increase; ↑: Non-statistical increase; ↓*: Statistically significant decrease; ↓: Non-statistical decrease; †: Change without statistical significance; #: Change statistical significance; ↔: Without changes; LH: Lipid hydroperoxidase; GSH: Reduced glutathione; SOD: Superoxide dismutase; TAS: Total antioxidant status; PbG: Placebo group; SeG: Selenium group; GTtotal: Glutathione total; GSSG: Glutathione oxidized; GPx: Glutathione peroxidase; EGPx: Erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase; EGR: Erythrocyte glutathione reductase; VO2max: Maximum oxygen consumption; Tt: Total testosterone; Tf: Testosterone free; [La]: Plasma lactate; CK: Creatine kinase; Cyt Ox: Cytochrome C oxidase; SDH: Succinate dehydrogenase; MCH: Myosin heavy chains; QA: Density of the mitochondria profile; Aa: surface of all the mitochondria profile area; â: mean surface of individual mitochondria profile area.