Putative pharmacological perturbation of LAC3 disperses lignin and CASP1. (A and B) Mature CS stained with basic fuchsin in the indicated genotypes under control condition (A) and copper chelation (B). (C) Quantification of propidium iodide permeability. Data represent mean and SD (n = 5). ***P < 0.001 by Student’s t test. (D–F) Localization of LAC3-eGFP (green) in relation to CS lignin (basic fuchsin, magenta) (D), CASP1-mRuby3 (magenta) in relation to CS lignin (auramine O, green) (E), and comparison of CASP1-mRuby3 and lignin distribution (F) under the control condition. (G–I) Effects of copper chelation on LAC3-eGFP, CASP1-mRuby3, and CS lignin localization. (J–L) Effects of tunicamycin treatment. (Scale bars, 5 μm.)