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Table 1. Demographic data and risk analysis of Fontal surgical results for the 363 Fontan patients from a birth cohort 2000-2008, derived from Taiwan national database 2000-2014.

Variable Fontan surgical results
Dead (n = 64) Alive (n = 299) X2 test
p value
Male 34 (53%) 175 (59%) 0.486
Arrhythmias 4 (6%) 36 (12%) 0.269
Cardiac diagnosis
 Tricuspid atresia 6 46 0.213
 Complex 35 168 0.826
 Ebstein 1 5 0.950
 HLHS 12 39 0.233
 ccTGA 1 8 0.603
 Others 9 33 0.492

Abbreviations are in Figure 2.