Table 2.
Baseline post-treatment | Baseline follow-up | Post-treatment follow-up | |
PANSS.Tot | <0.001 | <0.001 | 0.018 |
PANSS.Pos | <0.001 | <0.001 | 0.101 |
PANSS.Neg | <0.001 | <0.001 | 0.038 |
PANSS.GP | <0.001 | <0.001 | 0.023 |
PSP | <0.001 | <0.001 | 0.006 |
ERFCS.Tot | <0.001 | <0.001 | 0.181 |
Simil.NB | <0.001 | <0.001 | 0.002 |
BEMRI.NB | 0.008 | 0.003 | 0.158 |
BEMRD.NB | 0.021 | <0.001 | 0.036 |
TMTA.Time | 0.006 | 0.001 | 0.02 |
TMTB.Time | 0.043 | 0.008 | 0.04 |
Coding.NB | <0.001 | <0.001 | 0.015 |
PerSo.Tot | 0.047 | 0.306 | 0.264 |
Shopping.time | 0.178 | 0.142 | 0.257 |
MASC.MC | 0.113 | <0.001 | 0.045 |
MASC.Hy | 0.07 | 0.119 | 0.32 |
MASC.Ho | 0.689 | 0.05 | 0.061 |
MASC.Abs | 0.06 | 0.031 | 0.5 |
f.NART | 0.052 | 0.005 | 0.053 |
ACSo.Tot | 0.176 | 0.227 | 0.261 |
SERS.posit | 0.039 | 0.308 | 0.735 |
SERS.negat | 0.294 | 0.012 | 0.013 |
QCAE.tot | 0.492 | 0.318 | 0.206 |
ISMI.Tot | <0.001 | 0.048 | 0.981 |
ISMI.Alien | 0.107 | 0.079 | 0.398 |
ISMI.Stereo | <0.001 | 0.026 | 0.999 |
ISMI.Discri | 0.005 | 0.124 | 0.812 |
ISMI.Socwith | 0.007 | 0.213 | 0.988 |
ISMI.Rstig | 0.953 | 0.495 | 0.36 |
AIHQ.Host | 0.148 | 0.002 | 0.07 |
AIHQ.Intent | 0.428 | 0.339 | 0.89 |
AIHQ.Anger | 0.152 | 0.288 | 0.744 |
AIHQ.Blame | 0.228 | 0.135 | 0.828 |
AIHQ.Agres | 0.098 | 0.012 | 0.718 |
AIHQ.AttRe | 0.236 | 0.193 | 0.89 |
STORI.Mora | 0.368 | 0.089 | 0.13 |
STORI.Awar | 0.657 | 0.28 | 0.152 |
STORI.Prep | 0.479 | 0.797 | 0.904 |
STORI.Rebuild | 0.335 | 0.119 | 0.226 |
STORI.Growth | 0.127 | 0.019 | 0.341 |
BUES.Tot | 0.654 | 0.969 | 0.633 |
CPZ.EQ | 0.04 | 0.012 | 0.082 |
For each of the 42 outcomes variable, the table displays the p values of three Walsh paired samples one-sided T tests: values at V1 against V2, then V2 against V3, then V1 against V3. In each case, the alternative has been chosen so that a small p value should correspond to improvement of the patient’s condition between consecutive visits. CPZ100eq: dose equivalent to 100 mg/day of chlorpromazine calculated according to the minimum effective dose method [49].
Abbreviations: AcSo, self-assessment of social cognition; AIHQ, Ambiguous Intentions and Hostility Questionnaire (agress, aggression bias; anger, anger score; blame, blame score; host, hostility bias; resp, attribution of responsibility); BEM-RD, BEM delayed recall; BEM-RI, BEM immediate recall; BUES, Boston University Empowerment Scale; Coding, WAIS-IV Coding subscale; Education, education level (years); ERF-CS, Social Cognition—Functional Outcomes Scale; ISMI, Internalized Stigma of Mental Illness scale (Alien, alienation subscale; discri, discrimination experience; Rstig, stigma resistance; stereo, stereotype endorsement; soc-with, social withdrawal; tot, total score); MASC, Movie for the Assessment of Social Cognition (Abs, absence of ToM; CM, correct mentalization score; Ho, hypomentalization; Hy, hypermentalization score); PANSS, Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (positive, negative, and general psychopathology subscales); PerSo, social perception test; PSP, Personal and Social Performance Scale total score; QCAE, Questionnaire of Cognitive and Affective Empathy; SERS-SF, Self-Esteem Rating Scale-Short Form (positive and negative subscales); Simil NB, WAIS IV Similarities subtest; STORI, tage of recovery instrument (awar, awareness; growth, growth stage; mora, moratorium stage; prep, preparation stage; rebuil, rebuilding stage); TMT, Trail Making Test A and B; Bold values indicate the p-values significant at p<0.05.