Figure 1. APOE genotyping of the cell line used in this study.
CTR_M3_36S human iPSC line derived from a neurotypical male is homozygous for APOE3 (denoted as M3 in this figure). CTR_M1_04 human iPSC line that was known to be homozygous for APOE3 was used as control (denoted as M1 in this figure). HhaI-digested PCR amplicons were run on a 3% agarose gel, and the band loci were compared with the data previously reported by Henderson and colleagues who developed this genotyping method ( Henderson et al., 2002). The band loci for both CTR_M3_36S and CTR_M1_04 lines match with the homozygous APOE3 data reported by Henderson and colleagues (see Figure 1 of Henderson et al., 2002).