Table 4.
Acc. | Protein Description | Reg | Significance | Reference |
D0B8I3* | Antifreeze protein | (+) | Associated with MucR, a transcriptional regulator linked to Brucella virulence | [63] |
Q8YIA9 | Antifreeze protein | (-) | ||
Q2YM39 | Antifreeze protein type I | (-) | ||
D0B248 * | LipA family protein | (-) | ||
Q2YIP8 | Lipoprotein Omp10 | (-) | Reduced virulence in B. abortus with gene deletion and used in diagnostics | [64,65,66] |
Q2YKV9 | Superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn] | (-) | intracellular survival and used as antigens for subunit vaccines | [19,67] |
Q2YRA8 | 30S ribosomal protein S14 | (-) | role in cellular adhesion and virulence in Candida albicans | [68] |
ribosomal protein L7/L12 based subunit vaccines | [69,70] |
Acc. No is the UniProt ID, the protein ID marked with * were moved to UniPrac as they were found to be redundant proteins. Reg—status of protein regulation: (+) denotes upregulation and (-) indicates downregulation of proteins when B. abortus is compared with B. melitensis.