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. 2020 Jun 20;9(6):775. doi: 10.3390/plants9060775

Table 5.

Effects of biostimulants on total phenolic content (FOLIN) and on antioxidant activity (DPPH and ABTS) in peel and flesh of the Annurca fruits at harvest, after redding, and during the cold storage (+60 and +120 days). The same letter indicates not significant differences according to Duncan’s multiple range test (p < 0.05).

(mg/kg dw) (mmol trolox/kg dw) (mmol trolox/kg) (mg/kg dw) (mmol trolox/kg dw) (mmol trolox/kg)
Peel Flesh
Control 1.995 g 27.721 fgh 45.400 h 0.693 g 7.797 gh 16.35 fg
PEP 2.461 cde 32.956 bc 55.084 g 0.952 ef 9.879 d 18.586 e
LG 2.154 fg 31.392 cd 53.610 g 0.591 h 7.839 gh 11.863 h
MA 2.514 bcde 33.602 b 61.400 f 0.707 g 7.210 h 15.797 g
After redding
Peel Flesh
Control 2.132 g 29.319 ef 54.400 g 0.727 g 8.961 def 17.389 ef
PEP 2.523 bcde 34.792 ab 61.978 f 0.713 g 8.800 efg 17.323 ef
LG 2.315 ef 36.526 a 61.821 f 0.921 f 9.369 de 12.731 h
MA 2.018 g 28.061 fgh 44.505 h 0.744 g 8.230 fgh 17.586 ef
+ 60 days
Peel Flesh
Control 2.734 ab 27.644 fg 84.154 b 1.128 b 13.053 a 30.112 cd
PEP 2.951 a 28.798 efg 82.119 bc 1.037 cd 11.574 c 29.691 d
LG 2.905 a 28.532 fgh 81.592 bc 1.255a 13.402 a 34.410 a
MA 2.600 bcde 26.579 h 79.908 cd 1.016 de 11.900 bc 30.094 cd
+ 120 days
Peel Flesh
Control 2.588 bcd 27.090 gh 78.610 d 1.116 b 13.658 a 29.919 d
PEP 2.902 a 29.109 ef 84.189 b 1.103 bc 13.402 a 28.568 d
LG 2.399 de 29.160 ef 70.715 e 1.164 b 12.901 ab 32.164 b
MA 2.668 bc 30.6841 de 89.9087 a 1.099 bc 12.692 ab 31.498 bc