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. 2020 Apr 27;103(1):164–168. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.19-0451

Table 1.

Sociodemographic data and risk factors in Xiengkhouang Province

Variable n positive per group (%) Bivariate analysis Multivariate analysis
OR 95% CI P-value OR 95% CI P-value
Age (years) < 20 40/140 (29) Ref Ref
> 20 209/260 (80) 10.2 [6.3–16.5] < 0.0001 12.7 [7.4–21.8] < 0.0001
District Peak 158/260 (61) Ref
Phasay 91/140 (65) 1.19 [0.78–1.83] 0.405 NS
Gender Male 150/247 (61) Ref
Female 99/153 (65) 0.84 [0.55–1.28] 0.425 NS
Ethnicity Lao-Tai 187/324 (58) Ref Ref
Non–Lao-Tai 62/76 (82) 3.24 [1.74–6.03] 0.0001 6.6 [3.1–14.4] < 0.0001
Religion Buddhism 197/337 (58) Ref
Animism 52/63 (83) 3.35 [1.69–6.66] 0.001 NS
Household member < 5 152/247 (62) Ref
> 5 97/153 (63) 1.08 [0.71–1.64] 0.709 NS
Level of education completed Lower secondary school 99/155 (64) Ref
Upper secondary school 150/245 (61) 0.89 [0.5–1.3] 0.594 NS
Occupation Farmer 182/226 (81) Ref
Non-farmer 67/174 (39) 1.15 [0.09–0.23] < 0.0001 NS
Salary income per month (Lao Kip) < 3M 209/337 (62) Ref
> 3M 40/63 (63) 1.06 [0.6–1.8] 0.82 NS
Source of drinking water Tap water 0/1 (0) 1 _ _
Boiled water 126/198 (64) 1.12 [0.7–1.6] 0.571
Natural water (river) 6/9 (67) 1.12 [0.3–4.9] 0.783
Plastic bottle waters 147/259 (57) 0.5 [0.3–0.7] 0.002
Drilled water 9/13 (69) 1.37 [0.4–4.5] 0.599
Other 50/73 (68) _ _ _ NS
Source of water (apart from drinking) Tap water 9/12 (4) 1.85 [0.4–6.9] 0.362
Boiled water 0/0 (0) _ _ _
Natural water (river) 158/264 (63) 1 _ _
Drilled water 33/43 (13) 0.73 [0.4–1.1] 0.042
Other 65/107 (60) 1 _ _ NS
Eating raw fish Never/rarely 235/384 (61) Ref
Sometimes/usually/always 14/16 (88) 4.4 [0.9–19.8] 0.021 NS
Eating raw meat Never/rarely 221/365 (61) Ref
Sometimes/usually/always 28/35 (80) 2.6 [1.1–6.1] 0.028 NS
Eating snail Never/rarely 234/383 (61) Ref Ref
Sometimes/usually/always 15/17 (88) 4.7 [1.07–21.1] 0.014 13.5 [2.4–74.4] 0.003
Eating seafood Never 134/209 (64) Ref
Rarely/sometimes/usually/always 115/191 (60) 0.8 [0.5–1.2] 0.421 NS
Cooked food by themselves Never/rarely 94/171 (55) Ref
Sometimes/usually/always 155/229 (68) 1.7 [1.1–2.5] 0.009 NS
Share spoon Never 224/368 (61) Ref
Rarely/usually/always 25/32 (78) 2.2 [0.9–5.4] 0.04 NS
Share glasses Never/rarely 64/106 (60) Ref
Usually/always 185/294 (63) 1.1 [07–1.7] 0.64 NS
Wash hands before eating Never/rarely/sometimes 50/95 (53) Ref
Always 199/305 (65) 1.6 [1.0–2.6] 0.02 NS
Wash hands after toilet Never/rarely/sometimes 65/116 (56) Ref
Always 184/284 (65) 1.4 [0.9–2.2] 0.3 NS
Wash hands with soap Never/rarely 68/136 (50) Ref Ref
Usually/always 181/264 (69) 2.1 [1.4–3.3] 0.0003 2.5 [1.4–4.3] 0.001

NS = not significant; OR = odds ratio. Data were dichotomized into participants positive or negative for anti-HAV IgG. The table shows only variables that were included in the multivariate analysis. All other variables were not significant at the bivariate level.