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. 2020 Jun 1;9(6):1653. doi: 10.3390/jcm9061653

Table 1.

Comparison of patients, tumors and treatment characteristics according to the number of chemotherapy cycles delivered (n = 209).

Characteristics Number (%) or Median (IQ) p-Value
4 Cycles Delivered 5 Cycles Delivered
Number of patients 55 154
Age (years) 47.0 (42.0–53.7) 47.4 (39.8–53.5) 0.690
Tobacco use 20/55 (36.4) 51/154 (33.1) 0.740
0 23/55 (41.9) 92/154 (59.7) 0.055
1 28/55 (50.9) 57/154 (37.0)
2 4/55 (7.3) 5/154 (3.2)
SCC 48/55 (87.3) 124/154 (80.5) 0.308
Poor differentiation 16/55 (29.1) 30/154 (19.5) 0.184
FIGO stage
IB1 0/55 (0) 4/154 (2.6) 0.011 *
IB2 17/55 (30.9) 42/154 (27.3)
IIA 0/55 (0) 11/154 (7.1)
IIB 21/55 (38.2) 72/154 (46.8)
IIIA 0/55 (0) 4/154 (2.6)
IIIB 9/55 (16.4) 6/154 (3.9)
IVA 3/55 (5.5) 3/154 (1.9)
IVB 5/55 (9.1) 12/154 (7.8)
Pelvic nodal metastases 23/55 (41.8) 60/154 (40) 0.640
Neutrophilia at diagnosis 13/43 (30.2) 29/132 (22.0) 0.306
Cycle during IGABT 21/55 (38.2) 80/154 (51.9) 0.086
OTT (days) 47 (43–52) 48 (44–52) 0.164
CTVHR volume (cm3) 26.6 (18.5–40.9) 21.4 (16.3–28.1) 0.014 *
D90CTVIR (Gy EQD2) 67.2 (60.8–70.0) 68.5 (66.2–72.0) 0.006 *
D90CTVHR (Gy EQD2) 78.7 (74.0–86.1) 82.8 (74.9–90.4) 0.014 *
TRAK 1.80 (1.58–1.96) 1.74 (1.57–1.93) 0.328
2 fractions used 12/55 (21.1) 15/154 (9.7) 0.031 *

ADK: adenocarcinoma; CTV: clinical target volume; cm3: cubic centimeters; EBRT: external beam radiotherapy; Gy: Gray; HR: High Risk; IR: intermediate risk, EQD2: equivalent dose in 2Gy fraction; IGABT: image guided adaptive brachytherapy; IQ: interquartile 25–75; OTT: overall treatment time, including EBRT and IGABT; PAN: para-aortic node; PS: performance status; SCC: squamous cell carcinoma; *: significant comparison; FIGO: Fédération Internationale de Gynécologie Obstétrique.