Figure 3.
20-year-old female, who is 6 months pregnant presents with mild dyspnea. (a) Chest CT performed to rule out pulmonary embolism reveals complex PAVM with 3 mm feeding artery (orange arrow). (b) Initial pulmonary angiogram confirms PAVM in the right middle lobe (green arrow). (c) Angiogram shows selection of the supplying artery with a catheter. (d) Microcatheter placement into PAVM nidus. (e) Final angiogram shows complete occlusion of PAVM following embolization with 11 microcoils and 1 microvascular plug. Estimated fetal radiation dose was <5 mGy, scatter only with no direct irradiation. Remainder of pregnancy was uneventful and the patient delivered a healthy baby girl at 39 weeks gestational age.