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. 2020 Jun 19;9(6):1927. doi: 10.3390/jcm9061927

Table 1.

Summary of literature on PAVM embolization outcomes of various embolic devices published in the last 10 years.

Study Total # PAVMs Embolized # Persistent PAVMs Embolized Mean PAVM Feeding Artery Diameter (mm, ±SD) * Embolic Devices Technical Success ** Mean Follow-Up, Years Persistence Rate at Follow-Up Complications
Letourneau-Guillon 2010 [101] 35 0 5.0 (3.0–10.0) AVP 97% 1.1 7% Major: None
Minor: Chest pain (4)
Trerotola 2010 [61] 37 0 Not reported
(all ≥ 5 mm)
AVP + coils 100% 1.1 0% Major: None
Minor: Chest pain (7)
Tapping 2011 [100] 19 2 Not reported (3.0–12.0 mm) AVP type I (8)
AVP type II (11)
100% 2.3 (Type I)
1.5 (Type II)
5% (Type I)
0% (Type II)
Major: None
Minor: Chest pain (1)
Hundt 2012 [105] 11 0 4.4 ± 1.4 AVP + coils 91% Not specified 12.5% Major: None
Minor: Chest pain (4)
Hemoptysis (1)
Kucukay 2014 [102] 24 0 11.5 ± 2.2 AVP 100% 3.0 0% Major: None
Minor: Chest pain (5)
Shimohira 2015 [64] 24 12 3.8 (1.4–5.2) Coils 100% 2 (median) 49% (primary embolization)
100% (repeat embolization)
Not reported
Conrad 2015 [106] 20 0 3.5 (1.9–5.0) MVP (19)
MVP + coils (1)
100% 0.3 10% Major: None
Minor: Microemboli to toe (1)
Tau 2016 [104] 63 0 Not reported Coils (37)
AVP (21)
AVP + coils (5)
100% 7.7 18.9% (coils)
0% (AVP)
0% (AVP + coils)
Major: None
Minor: None
Stein 2017 [95] 141 0 2.4 ± 1.1 Coils 100% 1.6 21% Major: None
Minor: Chest pain (21)
Groin infection (1)
Hematoma (Not specified)
Effusion (Not specified
Flushing (Not specified)
Mahdjoub 2018 [108] 39 6 2.3 ± 0.7 MVP 98% 1.0 6% Not reported
Andersen 2019 [103] 322 30 Not reported
(all ≥ 2 mm)
Coils (213)
AVP (89)
Detachable balloon (13)
AVP + coils (7)
100% 4.8 11.7% (Coils)
4.5% (AVP)
0% (Balloon)
14.3% (AVP + coils)
Not reported
Bailey 2019 [110] 119 0 3.3  ±  1.2 MVP 100% 0.9 0% Major: None
Minor: Chest pain (1)
Ratnani 2019 [109] 157 0 2.3
(1.0–5.9, MVP)
(1.0–7.6, Other)
MVP (92)
Coils (24)
AVP (35)
AVP + coils (6)
100% (MVP)
100% (Coils)
97% (AVP)
100% (AVP + coils)
1.4 (MVP)
3.3 (Other)
2% (MVPs)
46.7% (Coils)
15% (AVP)
20% (AVP + coils)
Major: None
Minor: Asymptomatic Pulmonary
Infarcts (1)
Lee 2019 [98] 19 0 3.1 ± 0.7 AVP 100% 1.2 16% Major: None
Minor: Tachycardia (1)
Chest pain (1)
Kennedy 2020 [94] 46 0 4.3 ± 1.5 (Nester)
4.4 ± 1.4 (Interlock)
Nester coils (26)
Interlock coils (20)
100% 1.2 0% (Nester)
5.6% (Interlock)
Major: None
Minor: Chest pain (5)
Migraine (3)
Minor hemoptysis (1)
Adachi 2020 [99] 88 0 4.1  ±  2.1 Coils (50)
AVP (20)
AVP + coils (18)
100% 3.2 22% (Coils)
10% (AVP)
39% (AVP + coils)
Major: None
Minor: Not reported

* Range is provided when standard deviation was not specified. ** Technical success defined as complete angiographic occlusion of PAVM at end of procedure. Value in parenthesis indicates the number of cases of a given complication. # Symbol defined as “Number of”.