Figure 1.
Cocaine withdrawal and depressive symptoms among groups regarding recent substance use
Longitudinal assessment with 2 time points: at the enrollment (first week) and at the discharge (third week) of an inpatient treatment program; CSSA, Cocaine Selective Severity Assessment; BDI-II, Beck Depressive Inventory; Sample size of cannabis groups: No recent use = 138, Occasional recent use = 29, Frequent recent use = 47; Sample size of alcohol groups: No recent use = 85, Occasional recent use = 50, Frequent recent use = 79; Sample size of tobacco groups: No recent use = 28, Occasional recent use = 11, Frequent recent use = 175; # = significant time effect in the linear mixed model; @ = significant group effect in the linear mixed model; * = Bonferroni post-hoc test significant effect.