Identification of ILF2 As a Binding Partner of AK085865
(A) SDS-PAGE analysis of nuclear extracts purified from the BMDM in vitro binding assay using biotinylated AK085865 or antisense control RNA. The highlighted protein bands were subjected to mass spectrometry analysis. (B) Western blot confirms the interaction of AK085865 and ILF2 in vitro. (C) RIP was performed using antibodies against ILF2 in BMDMs. RNAs interacting with ILF2 were eluted, reverse transcribed, and quantified by qRT-PCR. (D) Schematic of AK085865 deletion mutants (Muts) used in the RNA-protein binding assays. (E) ILF2 binds the 3′-region of AK085865. The RNA-protein binding assay was performed using biotinylated full-length or deletion Muts of AK085865, and the nuclear extracts were isolated from BMDMs, captured using streptavidin beads, and subjected to western blot against ILF2. Experiments were repeated three times, and a representative result is shown.