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. 2020 Jun 18;7(7):1252–1257. doi: 10.1002/acn3.51101

Table 1.

Demographic, clinical, and neuropsychological data for participant groups

lvPPA nfvPPA svPPA tAD Control Omnibus comparison
N (M:F) 20 (6:14) 24 (16:8) 22 (5:17) 15 (3:12) 73 (41:32) P = 0.001
Age (years) 66.57 (7.73) 67.61 (8.89) 65.82 (6.85) 68.98 (5.92) 65.77 (7.28) F(4,149) = 0.77, P = 0.545
Symptom duration (years) 4.77 (2.02) 4.28 (1.59) 6.14 (3.47) 5.91 (2.43) χ2(3) = 9.73, P = 0.021

WASI Matrices

N (/32)

12.45 (7.34) 18.58 (7.17) 23.09 (7.28) 14.33 (8.88) 25.36 (6.62) b χ2 (4) = 55.13, P < 0.001
Handedness (L:R) 2:18 5:19 2:20 1:14 8:43 c P = 0.736
Years of education 15.15 (2.37) 13.83 (2.65) 14.91 (3.29) 15.40 (3.22) 15.49 (2.78) d χ2(4) = 7.59, P = 0.108
Hearing composite (dB) a 30.88 (8.14) 31.11 (9.99) 29.17 (9.89) 25.18 (4.48) χ2(3) = 5.90, P = 0.114
Reading score (IQ) 94.23 (19.10) 92.01 (20.48) 100.56 (15.06) 109.19 (10.76) 120.29 (5.18) χ2(4) = 78.86, P < 0.001
Digit span forward (max digits) 3.90 (1.29) 5.08 (1.28) 7.14 (0.94) 5.80 (1.08) 6.86 (1.03) χ2(4) = 66.05, P < 0.001
Digit span reverse (max digits) 2.70 (1.22) 3.35 (1.53) 5.27 (1.35) 3.87 (1.36) 5.19 (1.22) χ2(4) = 56.65, P < 0.001
PALPA‐3 (/36) 31.80 (4.10) e 34.67 (1.71) 35.32 (1.17) 33.53 (1.68) e 35.64 (0.71) F(4,146) = 8.70, P < 0.001

Mean (standard deviation) values are shown for continuous variables; distributions are shown for categorical variables. The right hand column gives results of relevant statistical omnibus tests (details in Methods); significant between‐group comparisons (P < 0.05) are in bold.

Abbreviations: Control, healthy control participant group; F, female; L, left; lvPPA, patient group with logopenic variant primary progressive aphasia; M, male; N, number; nfvPPA, patient group with nonfluent/agrammatic variant primary progressive aphasia; PALPA‐3, Psycholinguistic Assessments of Language Processing in Aphasia – Test 3 (see text for details); R, right; svPPA, patient group with semantic variant primary progressive aphasia; WASI, Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence.


Hearing composite scores based on pure tone audiometry performance were available for a subset of each participant group (lvPPA n = 10; nfvPPA n = 9; svPPA n = 12; Control n = 28); no hearing data were available for tAD patients.


Datum was missing for one control participant.


Handedness data were not available for 22 healthy control participants.


Years of education were not recorded for eight healthy control participants.


Significantly worse performance versus healthy control group in model adjusting for auditory verbal working memory (reverse digit span), reading ability (reading IQ) and gender (P < 0.05). Fifty‐four potential participants failing to meet study‐specific inclusion criteria (the majority with a diagnosis of nfvPPA) were excluded from the study (details in Table S1).