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. 2020 Mar 25;27(4):426–443. doi: 10.1007/s12529-020-09877-6

Table 2.

A comparison of behavioral characteristics across the four behavioral clusters

Variable Class 1 (the substance and drug abstinent low risk takers, n = 291)
N (%)
Class 2 (the physically very active and moderate risk takers, n = 135)
N (%)
Class 3 (the high risk takers with poor hygiene, n = 99)
N (%)
Class 4 (the highest risk takers, n = 33)
N (%)
P value
Injury and violence-related behavior
  Had a serious injury during past 12 months (Once or more than once) 96 (32.9)n,i 48 (35.6)q,m 33 (33.3)l 21 (63.6)k 0.006
  Engaged in a physical fight in past 12 months (Once or more than once) 79 (27.2)h,c 55 (40.7)q,g 38 (38.4)l 22 (66.7)k < 0.001
  Have ever been victims of forced sexual intercourse 6 (2.06)b,c 3 (2.2)d,m 19 (19.2)s 7 (21.2)e < 0.001
  Were victims of dating violence (physical and/or sexual) in past 12 months 4 (1.4)b,c 0 (0.0)d,m 11 (11.1)l 13 (39.4)e < 0.001
  Were victims of bullying in past 12 months 50 (17.2)b,c 47 (34.8)d,a 59 (59.6)s 18 (54.5)k < 0.001
  Had suicidal behavior (suicide ideation and/or attempted suicide) in the past 12 months 0 (0.0)b,c 0 (0.0)d 13 (13.1)s 8 (24.2)e < 0.001
Alcohol, tobacco, and drug use behavior
  Have ever used tobacco and/or alcohol 4 (1.4)n,c 1 (0.7)q,m 3 (3.0)f 14 (42.4)e < 0.001
  Recently (past 30 days) used tobacco and/or alcohol 0 (0.0)b,c 4 (2.9)j,g 10 (10.1)l 11 (33.3)k < 0.001
  Have ever used marijuana and/or khat 0 (0.0)b,c 0 (0.0)d 11 (11.1)f 19 (57.6)k < 0.001
  Recently (past 30 days) used marijuana and/or khat 0 (0.0)b,c 0 (0.0)j 7 (7.1)f 17 (51.5)e < 0.001
  Have ever used other drugs 14 (4.8)b,o 15 (11.1)d,g 58 (58.6)f 4 (12.1)r < 0.001
Sexual risk behavior
  Engaged in early sexual debut (before 14 years) 4 (1.4)h,i 0 (0.0)j,m 8 (8.1)l 11 (33.3)e < 0.001
  Engaged in transactional sex in past 12 months 3 (1.0)h,o 2 (1.5)j,m 12 (12.1)s 2 (6.1)r < 0.001
  Did not use a condom during their most recent sex intercourse 0 (0.0)b,c 0 (0.0)d 11 (11.1)s 8 (24.2)e < 0.001
Dietary behavior
  Rarely or never eat fruits and vegetables during a regular week 38 (13.06)b,o 11 (8.2)d,m 31 (31.3)l 1 (3.0)r < 0.001
  Usually (57 days per week) consume fatty or fast foods during a regular week 32 (11.0)h,c 44 (32.6)j,a 18 (18.2)s 11 (33.3)r < 0.001
Physical activity
  Days per week of at least 10 min of vigorous physical activity 1.5(±1.7)c,n 3.9 (± 2.7)d,a 1.8 (± 2.1)f 4.8 (± 2.4)r < 0.001
  Days per week of at least 10 min of moderate physical activity 1.4(±1.2)h,c 6.1 (± 1.2)d,a 0.9 (± 1.1)f 4.5 (± 1.8)e < 0.001
  Spend 5 h or more on sedentary activities during a typical day 29 (9.9)n,i 48 (35.6)d,a 8 (8.8)l 8 (24.2)r < 0.001
Gambling behavior
  Ever spent much more than they planned on gambling activities within the past 12 months 7 (2.4)b,c 15 (11.1)j,a 22 (22.2)s 8 (24.2)k < 0.001
Hygiene behavior
  Inadequate oral hygiene (never cleans/brush teeth or does on only some days in a regular week) 51 (17.5)b,o 22 (16.3)d,m 70 (70.7)f 3 (9.1)r < 0.001
  Inadequate general body hygiene (never or rarely or only sometimes takes a bath with soap and water in a regular week) 19 (6.5)h,o 7 (5.2)j,m 19 (19.9)s 5 (15.2)r 0.001

Other drugs included: cocaine, heroin, methamphetamines, steroid pills/shots without doctor’s prescription, and injection of any illegal drug into the body

±: standard deviation

ap < 0.001 for cluster 1 vs. 2

bp < 0.001 for cluster 1 vs. 3

cp < 0.001 for cluster 1 vs. 4

dp < 0.001 for cluster 2 vs. 3

ep < 0.001 for cluster 2 vs. 4

fp < 0.001 for cluster 3 vs. 4

gp ≥ 0.001 and p ≤ 0.05 for cluster 1 vs. 2

hp ≥ 0.001 and p ≤ 0.05 for cluster 1 vs. 3

ip ≥ 0.001 and p ≤ 0.05 for cluster 1 vs. 4

jp ≥ 0.001 and p ≤ 0.05 for cluster 2 vs. 3

kp ≥ 0.001 and p ≤ 0.05 for cluster 2 vs. 4

lp ≥ 0.001 and p ≤ 0.05 for cluster 3 vs. 4

mp > 0.05 for cluster 1 vs. 2

np > 0.05 for cluster 1 vs. 3

op > 0.05 for cluster 1 vs. 4

qp > 0.05 for cluster 2 vs. 3

rp > 0.05 for cluster 2 vs. 4

sp > 0.05 for cluster 3 vs. 4