OR and HR values with 95% confidence intervals for associations of DARC with human immunodeficiency virus infection: time to CD4 <200; time to AIDS-defining condition (AIDS ‘93) or CD4 <200; and death from an AIDS-related illness. Crude and adjusted OR/HR values are represented by solid and dashed bars, respectively (left panel). Mean WBCs with 95% confidence intervals, where available, are also shown for each DARC genotype (right panel). The following studies are cited: (□) He et al.,44 (○) Winkler et al.,50 (∆) Walley et al.,49 (+) Horne et al.,52 (◊) Julg et al.,51 and () Nalls.53
Abbreviations: AIDS, acquired immune deficiency syndrome; DARC, Duffy antigen receptor for chemokines; HR, hazard ratio; OR, odds ratio; WBC, white blood cell count.