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. 2020 Jul 13;10:229. doi: 10.1038/s41398-020-00921-3

Table 1.

ASD-associated genes affecting brain morphology and function.

Gene (s) Risk allele/polymorphism Subjects Method used Brain region affected/potentially could be affected Findings
ANK2 ankB mutant mice DTI Cortex Increased interhemispheric asymmetry in the cortex and increased overall connectivity46
HOXA1 HOXA1 A218G polymorphism Autistic individuals and ethnically matched controls Family-based association analyses Could potentially affect hindbrain neural networks that could, in turn, affect brainstem Enlarged cranial circumference68,143
HOXA1 HOXB1 Mice mutants of HOXA1/HOXB1 Immunohistochemistry, RNA in situ hybridization, SEM, cell apoptotic and proliferation assay Hindbrain Loss of rhombomere 4 and 5 and loss of second branchial arch in HOXA1/HOXB1 mutant mice53
PTEN ASD and macrocephaly Gene mutation analysis Cerebral cortex (as one of the subject’s brain MRI showed dilatation of perivascular spaces in the basal ganglia) Larger head circumference72
CHD8 ASD and Developmental delay Analysis of CHD8 gene expression using Zebrafish model Forebrain and midbrain Increased head size55
CNTNAP2 rs779475 Healthy controls DTI, sMRI Frontal lobe, occipital lobe, cerebellum Reduction in WM and GM volumes in the cerebellum, frontal and occipital lobes in homozygotes for the risk allele77
rs2710102 ASD and TD individuals fMRI (reward-guided implicit learning task) Frontal cortex Reduced mPFC activation in nonrisk individuals and increased frontal connectivity in the risk allele carriers117
rs7794745 T rs2710102 C Healthy individuals fMRI (language task) Prefrontal cortex, temporal cortex Increased activation of the right inferior frontal gyrus and right lateral temporal cortex in the risk allele carriers118
c.3709DelG mutation Individuals with syndromic ASD and healthy controls MRI Prefrontal cortex Increased head circumference and GM volume76
Forebrain organoid culture Increased total brain volume in individuals carrying the CNTNAP2 c.3709DelG mutation76
CNTNAP2 knockout mice Laser-scanning photostimulation, whole-cell recordings, and electron microscopy Prefrontal cortex Reduced excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs onto L2/3 pyramidal neurons in the mPFC of CNTNAP2 knockout mice with reduced spines and synapses144
MET rs1858830 Healthy individuals sMRI Frontal lobe, temporal lobe, anterior cingulate cortex Reduction in cortical thickness with increasing C allele dose in temporal gyri, ventral pre- and postcentral gyri, anterior cingulate and in fronto-polar cortex regions78
rs1858830 ASD and TD individuals fMRI (observation of emotional faces), resting-state fMRI, DTI Neocortex Higher activation of amygdala and striatum and reduced WM integrity and intrinsic connectivity between the posterior cingulate cortex and mPFC regions in MET risk allele carriers79
SLC6A4 5HTTLPR ASD children MRI Cerebrum 5HTTLPR short allele associated with increasing cerebral GM volumes80
NRXN1 rs1045881 ASD and schizophrenia risk allele carriers sMRI Frontal lobe Reduction in frontal WM volumes and altered sensorimotor function115
bi-allelic NRXN1-α del ASD individual and healthy controls Single-cell RNA sequencing Reduced proliferation capability and calcium signaling and high expression of radial glia-like morphology in NRXN1-α del NES cells116
OXTR rs2254298A Healthy Japanese adults MRI Amygdala Larger bilateral amygdala volume81
rs2254298(G>A) Healthy females MRI Amygdala, anterior cingulate cortex, brainstem Increased amygdala and GM volume in the brainstem and decreased total GM volume and GM volume in the anterior cingulate cortex in G/A heterozygotes82
rs53576 Healthy adults sMRI and fMRI Hypothalamus and amygdala Decrease in hypothalamus GM and amygdala activation and increased functional correlation of hypothalamus and amygdala in minor allele carriers for rs5357683
rs2254298A Healthy individuals MRI Cerebral cortex Reduced GM volume in the right insula in males with the risk allele84
rs2268498 T/C Healthy individuals fMRI (fear processing task) Occipital lobe T-allele homozygotes showed increased activation of inferior occipital gyrus during recognition of fear expressions86
rs2268493 Healthy individuals fMRI (reward anticipation task) Nucleus accumbens, amygdala, insula, thalamus, and prefrontal cortical regions T-allele homozygotes showed reduced activation in the mesolimbic reward circuitry85
rs401015 Healthy individuals fMRI (direct gaze processing task) Amygdala Heterozygotes CT variants showed increased amygdala activity87
rs2254298A Healthy individuals VBM, fMRI Hypothalamus, dorsal anterior cingulate cortex Decreased hypothalamus GM volume and deactivation of dorsal anterior cingulate gyrus and increased structural coupling of dorsal anterior cingulate gyrus and hypothalamus in A carriers88
rs53576 Healthy individuals VBM, fMRI (mentalizing paradigm) Amygdala, parietal lobe Higher brain GM volume in the left amygdala and lower GM volume in superior parietal lobule89
CDH9 and CDH11 Mice In situ hybridization Cerebellum High expression of Cdh11 in the central part and Cdh9 in the surrounding areas in lobules VI/VII and Crus I and Crus II regions of the cerebellum145
RELN Autistic and healthy individuals (postmortem samples) SDS-PAGE, Western blotting Cerebellum Significant reduction of Reelin protein in the cerebellar region of ASD individuals132
SLC25A12 Autistic and healthy individuals (postmortem samples) qRT-PCR, RNA extraction, in situ hybridization Prefrontal cortex Strong expression of SLC25A12 in the BA46 prefrontal cortex of autistic subjects146



Autistic and healthy individuals (postmortem samples) qRT-PCR, Western blotting, Microarray analysis Cerebral cortex Significant reduction of PRKCB1 gene expression in the temporal neocortex of autistic individuals147
TAOK2 Mice MRI, DTI Midbrain, thalamus, hypothalamus and hindbrain regions Enlarged volumes of the midbrain, hindbrain, hypothalamus, thalamus, cerebellum, and hippocampus and reduced density of fiber tracks in the medial corpus callosum of TAOK2 knockout mice57
MECP2 Autistic and healthy individuals (postmortem samples) Immunofluorescence and laser-scanning cytometry Frontal cortex, temporal and occipital lobe Decreased MECP2 expression in the frontal cortex and fusiform gyrus of autistic individuals148
SHANK3 SHANK3 transgenic Mice MRI Hippocampus, forebrain, and midbrain Reduction in total brain volume and hippocampal size and increase of basal ganglia in SHANK3 knockout mice as compared to prenatal zinc-deficient mouse model of ASD45
NL3 NL3 knockin mice Ex vivo MRI and DTI Caudate putamen, substantia nigra, somatosensory cortex, corpus callosum, internal capsule, and cerebral peduncles Decreased volumes of WM and GM regions in the NL3 knockin mice as compared to wildtype mice43
AVPR1A RS1, RS3 Healthy individuals fMRI (face-matching task) Amygdala RS3 334bp, RS3 longer variants, RS1 312 bp, and RS1 shorter variants risk allele carriers showed stronger activation of left amygdala120




MECP2 308 truncation, ITGB3 knockout,

NL3 knockin mouse models

MRI Cerebellum Increased GM and WM volume in crus II lobule and GM volume in paraflocculus in NL3 knockin mice, Expansion of vermis lobules III–X, the anterior lobule, the paraflocculus, and simple, crus I, and crus II hemisphere lobules in the homozygous MECP2 model and reduced cerebellum volume in ITGB3 knockin mice44
CD38 rs3796863 Healthy individuals fMRI (social, emotional stimuli and gaze processing task) Temporal cortex Higher activation of the left fusiform gyrus in homozygous risk allele carriers119
rs3796863 Healthy individuals fMRI (social cognition tasks) Amygdala Epistasis effect between CD38 and COMT in the amygdala121
C57BL/6 mice and CD38−/− mice MRI Prefrontal cortex Larger whole brain volume, abnormal cortex development, and impaired synaptic plasticity in the prefrontal cortex of CD38−/− mice108

MRI magnetic resonance imaging, DTI diffusion tensor imaging, fMRI functional magnetic resonance imaging, VBM voxel-based morphometry.