Fig. 3. vCA1 shock activity is necessary for contextual memory encoding.
a Experimental design, bilateral vCA1 optogenetic activation of vGAT-Chrimson cells with 532 nm laser. Left: DIO-Chrimson or DIO-mCherry was injected into vCA1 of vGAT-Cre mice bilaterally and fiber optics implanted. Right: Example image of vCA1 with expression of Chrimson, and fiber optic targeting. The main effect of this experiment was replicated in an independent dataset within the lab. b Left: Experimental design, laser stimulation was delivered for 6 s during the footshock in A1 context encoding (ON 178–184 s). Right: Bilateral vCA1 shock silencing with vGAT-Chrimson stimulation during context encoding significantly reduced % time freezing during context retrieval relative to vGAT-mCherry control mice (repeated-measures ANOVA; % time freezing*genotype interaction F(1,15) = 6.26, *p = 0.0244, Chrimson N = 8, mCherry N = 9). Error bars, ±s.e.m. Statistical tests comparing distributions were two-sided. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.