Figure 4. Migration near corners influences defect formation.
(A) Diagram showing bend and splay deformations with −1/4 and +1/4 winding numbers, respectively, that satisfy the conflicting boundary conditions at corners. (B) Phase contrast (left) and binarized image of NucBlue-stained nuclei (right) of −1/4 defect at the top left corner of the images. Yellow arrows indicate the migration directions of cells at each edge. (C) Phase contrast (left) and binarized image of NucBlue-stained nuclei (right) of +1/4 defect at the bottom left of the images. Blue arrows indicate the migration directions of cells at each edge. See Movie S5 to see the migrating cells. (D) Distribution of relative migration directions at edges that meet at corners and the types of defects that emerge at those corners.