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. 2020 Jun 4;36(4):148–156. doi: 10.1177/8755122520924607

Table 3.

Practices and Beliefs of Providers Using CliniSync in Ohio (n = 50).

Question Response, n (%)
Yes No
Do you refer your patients to a pharmacy for other health care needs and disease state management? n = 48a 12 (25%) 36 (75%)
Are you aware of the different services provided by pharmacists in a community pharmacy? n = 50 33 (66%) 17 (33%)
How do you typically send a prescription to pharmacists? (Select all that apply), n = 50
 Electronic 42 (84%)
 Fax 12 (24%)
 Paper Rx 19 (38%)
What disease states would you consider making referrals to pharmacists to improve patient care? (Select all that apply), n = 50
 Diabetes 16 (32%)
 Congestive heart failure 9 (18%)
 Depression 6 (12%)
 Osteoporosis 4 (8%)
 Asthma/COPD 12 (24%)
 Hypertension 14 (28%)
 Rheumatoid Arthritis 5 (10%)
 Dyslipidemia 6 (12%)
 Cardiovascular disorders 7 (14%)
 I don’t refer patients to pharmacists 28 (56%)
 Other (please specify) 13 (26%)
Relationships with pharmacists Medianb IQR
Pharmacists respect my expertise, n = 49a 4 1
Pharmacists are willing to work together to provide enhanced patient care, n = 50 4 1
Pharmacists often accept recommendations provided by me, n = 50 3 1
Pharmacists are willing to share patient information with my team, n = 49a 4 1
Pharmacists are willing to work closely with my team, n = 50 3 1
I have strong relationships with pharmacists, n = 50 3 1
Select the reasons why you use HIE networks to retrieve patient medical information or make referrals (select all that apply), n = 45a
 Refer patients to specialists 11 (24%)
 Access complete medication records 25 (56%)
 Access patient laboratory results 29 (64%)
 Access notes from visits with other health care providers for continuity of care 24 (53%)
 Review discharge medications or medication reconciliation 26 (58%)
 Update notes for visits with my team 10 (22%)
 Query the OARRS database 16 (36%)
 Other (please specify) 12 (27%)
Benefits to an HIE Medianb IQR
Using the HIE improves the quality of my work, n = 45a 4 1
Using the HIE gives me greater control over my work, n = 45a 3 1
Using the HIE enables me to accomplish tasks quickly, n = 45a 3 1
Using the HIE supports critical aspects of my job, n = 45a 4 1
Using the HIE increases my productivity, n = 44a 3 1
Using the HIE improves my job performance, n = 45a 3 1
Using the HIE makes it easier to do my job, n = 44a 3 1
Using the HIE allows me to better coordinate patient care (using referrals), n = 46a 3 1
I am not educated on the security or privacy of an HIE network, n = 45a 2 2
I am not clear about how the HIE matches patients from disparate systems, n = 44a 3 3
I am not knowledgeable of the patient consent process as it relates to HIE and Ohio law, n = 45a 3 2
I do not want to leave my EHR workflow to log into another portal, n = 44a 4 2
My vendor charges too much to integrate my EHR with the HIE, n = 44a 3 1
I am concerned about the extra time it would take my staff to learn and use the HIE, n = 45a 3 2
There is too much information available in the HIE that is not essential to my care of the patient; I just need a laboratory result, n = 45a 3 1
There are too many clicks to get to the information I need quickly, n = 44a 3 2
I have everything I need within my own system; I do not have a need to use the HIE, n = 43a 2 2
I need to access information from a hospital that is not with CliniSync, n = 44a 3 1

Abbreviations: COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; IQR, interquartile range; OARRS, Ohio Automated Rx Reporting System; HIE, health information exchange; HER, electronic health record.


Not all provider respondents answered this question.


Median and IQR based on 5 point Likert-type scale (5 = Strongly Agree, 1 = Strongly Disagree).