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. 2020 Jun 1;36(4):130–140. doi: 10.1177/8755122520925774

Table 2.

Efficacy and Safety Outcomes of Nebulized Heparin for Smoke Inhalation Injury.

Holt et al12 Miller et al1 Yip et al33 Elsharnouby et al34 Kashefi et al28 McIntire et al26 McGinn et al27 Glas et al35
Efficacy outcomes
Mortality No difference, 24% vs 20% Lower mortality in treatment group, 6% vs 43%, RR = 0.0055 (95% CI = 0.0314-0.02004) No difference, 36.5% vs 54.5%, P = .32 No difference, 4% vs 3%, P = .6 No difference, 30% vs 25%, P = .72 No difference in 28-day mortality, 2.8% vs 2.8%, P = 1 No difference, 22.7% vs 23.1%, P = .99
Hospital LOS (days) No difference, 31 vs 31.9 No difference, 15.3 vs 16.3, P = .8 No difference, 17 vs 22, P = .195 No difference, 9.0 vs 18.5, P = .093
ICU LOS (days) No difference, 6 vs 7, P = .86 No difference, 19 vs 25, P = .17 Shorter in treatment group, 5.5 vs 13, P = .033 No difference in ICU-free days and alive at day 90, 71 vs 49, P = .73
Duration of mechanical ventilation (days) No difference, 18.2 vs 17.2, P = .76 No difference, 5 vs 5, P = .63 Shorter for treatment group, 11 vs 19, P = .037 No difference, 8.5 vs 8.8, P = .9 No difference, 7.0 vs 14.5, P = .60
Shorter duration in treatment group when patients who died or discharged on the ventilator excluded, 7 vs 14.5, P = .044
Shorter for treatment group, 3.0 vs 6.5, P = .022
Heparin associated with duration of mechanical ventilation in multivariable linear regression model (P = .039)
No difference in ventilator-free days and alive at day 28, 16 vs 20, P = .62
Pulmonary function No difference in markers of oxygenation Lower LIS, days 2-7
Lower lung resistance, days 2 and 4
Lower average hypoxemia score in first 7 days
Lower LIS on days 5-7
Safety outcomes
Pneumonia No difference, 63% vs 50%, P = .12 No difference, 17.3% vs 18.2% No difference, 27% vs 43%, P = .4 Increased in treatment group, 45% vs 11%, P = .03 No difference in VAP, 63.9% vs 72.2% Increased in treatment group 18% vs 0%, P = .0376 28.5% vs 16.7%, No statistical analysis performed
Bleeding No difference in PT or aPTT
No difference in platelet trends
No significant effect on coagulation parameters or platelet count
No significant blood staining of bronchial secretions
No difference in major bleeding: 5.6% vs 11.1%, P = .394
No difference in minor bleeding: 58.3% vs 52.8%, P = .635
No bleeds in either group
One patient per group required blood transfusion for severe hemorrhage 7 and 13 days after last nebulization
One patient in heparin group with aPTT >150 seconds
aPTTs similar between groups; during nebulization: 36 vs 31 seconds
After nebulization period: 33 vs 40 seconds
Other No difference in unplanned reintubation, 14% vs 8%, |P = .20 No difference in incidence of sepsis, 38.5% vs 63.6%, P = .18
No difference in incidence of ARDS, 23.1% vs 36.4%, P = .45
No difference in incidence of sepsis, 40% vs 33%, P = .7
No difference in incidence of ARDS, 15% vs 10%, P = 1
No documented complications directly attributed to administration of the protocol
No HIT in either group
One patient in the placebo group with ARDS
Two patients in heparin group with ventilatory problems (high airway pressures)
Feasibility: 127 of 429 heparin nebulizations withheld

Abbreviations: aPTT, activated partial thromboplastin time; ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; CI, confidence interval; HIT, heparin-induced thrombocytopenia; ICU, intensive care unit; LIS, lung injury score; LOS, length of stay; PT, prothrombin time; RR, relative risk; VAP, ventilator-associated pneumonia.