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. 2020 Jun 2;9:e56159. doi: 10.7554/eLife.56159

Table 1. Important simulation variables and order parameters.

Notation/Terminology Physical Interpretation Definition
Ntot Total number of polymer chains in the system. Ntot = 400 in our simulations.
Lclus Size of the single largest cluster represented as fraction of Ntot
Sclus Size of the cluster represented as fraction of Ntot
Cmono Concentration of polymer chains in the simulation box In units of μM
φ Bulk density of proteins (in their monomeric state) when the individual chains are randomly placed in the simulation box at the start of the simulation. ϕ=Ntot(4/3)πRG3,.Rg is the the radius of gyration of proteins when they are
randomly positioned in simulation box at the start of the simulation.
φclus Intra-cluster density of polymer chains. ϕclus=Sclus(4/3)πRg3clus.Rgclus is the radius of gyration of the system of proteins within the cluster.
φclus Normalized intracluster density describing the degree of enrichment of polymer chains within the cluster. For system-spanning networks,
φclus /φ→1. For dense clusters,
φclus /φ >> 1.
εns Interaction strength for isotropic, non-specific interactions between linker regions. εns in LD simulations is a pairwise interaction strength between individual beads In kMC simulations, εns is the net non-specific interaction strength between two lattice particles.

εsp Strength of attractive interaction between functional domains (specific interactions).
φlattice Bulk density of monomers in the 2D-lattice in kMC simulations. This quantity is analogous to the concentration of monomers on the lattice. φlattice = Ntot/L2, where L is the size of the 2D square-lattice.
λ Valency of the polymer chain, that is the number of adhesive functional domains per interacting polymer chain.
Κ Bending stiffness of the linker regions in LD simulations. A higher value of K is used to model stiffer linkers that prefer a more open configuration. Κ = 2 kcal/mol, in LD simulations with flexible linkers.
η The viscosity of the medium in LD simulations η = 10−3Pa.s in LD simulations, unless mentioned otherwise.
kdiff Diffusion rate of free monomers in the 2D-lattice kMC simulations.
kbond Rate of formation of specific interactions between neighboring particles in 2D-lattice kMC simulations.