Fig. 5. mGlu2/3 activity constrains operant responding for thalamostriatal stimulation.
a, b Within-subject comparisons of lever presses per session in C57BL/6J mice expressing ChR2 in thalamostriatal terminals (n = 6–8) after injection of vehicle or 3 mg/kg LY341495 (a) or 1 or 3 mg/kg LY379268 (b). *p < 0.05, paired t-test (a) or Sidak’s multiple comparisons test (b). c Average active lever presses per session (normalized to vehicle presses for each mouse) for each drug treatment. Bars represent mean ± SEM, and individual data points are overlaid. Doses of each drug (mg/kg) are indicated in parentheses. d, e Examples of lever presses from a representative mouse during vehicle or drug sessions. Tick marks represent individual lever presses. f–o Within-subject comparisons of patterns of pressing during vehicle vs. 3 mg/kg LY341495 (f–j) or vehicle vs. 3 mg/kg LY379268 (k–o) sessions. Parameters analyzed were clusters of pressing per session (f, k), mean duration of clusters (g, l), mean number of presses per cluster (h, m), mean within-cluster press rate (i, n), and the mean length of breaks between clusters of pressing (j, o). For f, k, *p < 0.05, paired t-test.