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. 2020 Jul 14;10:11581. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-68507-z

Table 1.

Top most differentially expressed genes in primary insulinoma vs normal pancreas. In bold genes used for validation with qRT-PCR.

Gene Gene symbol Log2FC P-value FDR Role
Pancreatic duodenal homeobox 1 PDX1 2.13 0.0001 0.003 Beta-cell differentiation
Paired homeobox 4 PAX4 6.23 3.32E−09 3.92E−06
Insulinoma associated 1 INSM1 5.021 3.40E−07 5.17E−05
NK2 homeobox 2 NKX2 5.32 3.40E−09 3.92E−09
Nestin NES 2.53 0.0001 0.003
Delta/notch-like EGF repeating containing ligand DNER 4.41 3.05E−07 4.83E−05 Pancreatic ontogeny
SRY-box 17 SOX17 2.20 0.009 0.04
SRY-box 18 SOX18 2.89 0.003 0.02
Hes-related family BHLH transcription factor 1 HEY1 2.46 0.0009 0.01
Glutathione peroxidase 3 GPX3 4.73 3.91E−08 1.42E−05 Glucose metabolism
Glucokinase GCK 5.37 3.13E−08 1.23E−05
Solute carrier 38 family 8 SCL38F8 9.65 9.63E−08 2.35E−08 Insulin secretion
Calcium bynding protein 1 CA1 5.09 1.66E−08 8.82E−06
Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 2 KCNH2 5.47 7.40E−09 6.63E−06
Otoferlin (calcium sensor) OTOF 5.56 9.07E−08 2.32E−05
Tetraspanin 1 TSPAN1 5.46 5.95E−08 1.97E−05 Insulin production
Insulin-degrading enzyme IDE − 2.29 7.33E−06 0.0003
Insulin growth factor receptor 2 IGF2 4.33 9.30E−06 0.0004
Insulin like 6 INS 3.21 0.007 0.04
Insulin receptor INSR − 2.62 1.00E−07 2.35E−05
Islet amyloyde polyptide IAPP 4.37 2.32E−06 0.0001 Amyloid deposition
Chromogranin B CHGB 4.58 1.33E−07 2.79E−05 Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours markers
Secretogranin II SCG2 4.97 1.11E−07 2.49E−05
Synapsin I SYN1 5.59 7.87E−09 6.68E−06
Alpha amylase AMY1A − 7.63 8.93E−09 6.88E−06 Pancreatic exocrine marker
Pseudopodium-enriched atypical kinase 1 PEAK1 − 3.09 6.10E−09 5.78E−06 Glucose metabolism
Solute carrier 7 family 1 SLC7A1 − 3.03 2.37E−07 4.13E−05
Serpin inhibitor peptidase clade I SERPINA1 3.93 2.08E−07 3.87E−05 Ductal cell markers
Pappalysin 2 PAPPA2 5.40 1.00E−07 2.35E−05
Glucagon receptor GCGR 7.63 3.54E−10 1.30E−06 Alpha cell marker
Integrin-alpha 2 (CD49b) ITA2 − 3.45 2.76E−08 1.17E−05 Cell adhesion