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. 2020 Jul 15;13:43. doi: 10.1186/s40545-020-00247-x

Table 3.

COVID-19 awareness score according to demographic variables

Awareness items Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
F % F % F % F % F %
Isolation and quarantine of infected people are effective for preventing the spread of COVID-19. 374 77.1 94 19.4 14 2.9 3 0.6 0 0
Reporting symptoms of COVID-19 to local health authorities is important to prevent further disease transmission. 394 81.2 71 14.6 17 3.5 3 0.6 0 0
Frequent hand washing before preparing and/or eating foods is essential to prevent further COVID-19 transmission. 354 73.0 86 17.7 30 6.2 10 2.1 5 1.0
Hand washing after contact with possible contaminated materials or surfaces is important to prevent further COVID-19 transmission. 332 68.5 101 20.8 40 8.2 10 2.1 2 0.4
Consultation of a healthcare provider when you have a cough or fever or difficulty in breathing is critical for preventing COVID-19 spreading. 251 51.8 125 25.8 68 14.0 26 5.4 15 3.1
Travel bans to/from the areas of the disease should be implemented by the government to prevent COVID-19 spreading. 387 79.8 76 15.7 18 3.7 4 0.8 0 0
Traveling to China is considered as a risk of novel coronavirus infection. 339 69.9 122 25.2 22 4.5 2 0.4 0 0
Avoiding contact with sick people can prevent spread of disease. 284 58.6 159 32.8 29 6.0 11 2.3 2 0.4
Isolation of COVID-19 patients is important to achieve effective adoption of infection control measures. 442 91.1 35 7.2 8 1.6 0 0 0 0
Avoiding close contact with person who has an active respiratory symptom is essential to prevent further transmission of the disease. 252 52.0 143 29.5 56 11.5 21 4.3 13 2.7
Hand washing with soap and water for at least 20 s can prevent COVID-19 transmission. 194 40.0 228 47.0 46 9.5 15 3.1 2 0.4
Antibiotics are effective in COVID-19 treatment. 11 2.3 70 14.4 146 30.1 89 18.4 169 34.8
COVID-19 can be treated with the available antiviral medications. 18 3.7 60 12.4 205 42.3 138 28.5 64 13.2
Vaccination of COVID-19 is available as a protective measure. 15 3.1 58 12.0 157 32.4 112 23.1 143 29.5
There is no treatment for COVID-19 until now. 234 48.2 132 27.2 57 11.8 52 10.7 10 2.1
COVID-19 spread could be prevented by avoiding live animal contact. 134 27.6 226 46.6 82 16.9 82 16.9 5 1.0
The main source of novel coronavirus is animal. 202 41.6 138 28.5 96 19.8 35 7.2 14 2.9
Chinese goods are considered as a source of exposure to novel coronavirus. 101 20.8 128 26.4 89 18.4 102 21.0 65 13.4

F Frequency, % Percentage