Enzymatic activity of respiratory complex CII in Skm isolated mitochondria from wt and LowOXPHOS mice fed with chow or HFD (wt, n = 4; LowOXPHOS, n = 4; wt + HFD, n = 4; LowOXPHOS + HFD, n = 4).
Polarographic profiles of isolated mitochondria from wt (lower trace) and LowOXPHOS (upper trace) animals using succinate (left graph) or palmitoyl‐carnitine (right graph) as a substrate. Quantification of maximal respiration in the right histogram. Bars are the mean ± SEM of n = 3 mice/genotype, 3 traces/mouse; OL, oligomycin; Ant A, antimycin A.
2D‐PAGE of Skm extracts (C, D) and acetylated proteins (E) from wt (n = 4) and LowOXPHOS (n = 3) mice. The isoelectric point (pI) of the CII subunits SDHB (C) and SDHA (D) was calculated by protein migration in pH 3–10 NL strips.
Immunocapture (IP) of SDHA blotted with anti‐acetyl‐K antibody (upper panel) and of acetylated proteins blotted with anti‐SDHA antibody (middle panel) in Skm isolated mitochondria from wt (n = 3) and LowOXPHOS (n = 3) mice.
G, H
PyMOL cartoon representations of acetylated lysines in SDHA related to CII activity. Six acetylated‐K are shown.
MitoSox staining in myocytes expressing or not ATPIF1H49K. The left scheme illustrates where each ETC inhibitor works. The right histogram shows the quantification of mitochondrial ROS. Bars are the mean ± SEM of n = 3 experiments, 12 replicas/condition.
MitoSox staining in myocytes expressing or not ATPIF1H49K. The left scheme illustrates where each CII inhibitor works. The right histogram shows the quantification of mitochondrial ROS. Bars are the mean ± SEM of n = 3 experiments, 12 replicas/condition.
Representative blue‐native immunoblots (BN) and clear‐native in‐gel activity (CN) of Skm mitochondrial membrane proteins from wt (n = 3) and LowOXPHOS (n = 3) 2‐month‐old mice. The migration of the respiratory complexes/supercomplexes CIV is indicated. Subassembly of CI (with no activity, suggesting degradation) was observed in LowOXPHOS mice. VDAC is shown as a loading control.
‐test. See also Fig