Table 1.
Characteristics of included studies
Reference | Study design | Region | No. of patients | Median age of patients, y | Severity of patients at admission | Intervention | Control | Outcomes | NOS |
Zhu et al 22 | Retrospective | Jiangsu, China | 50 | 26 | NA | Standard care plus arbidol (0.2 g tid) | Standard care plus lopinavir/ritonavir | Negative conversion time, negative rate on day 7 and day 14 | 7 |
Chen et al 30 | Multicenter, open‐label, RCT | Hubei, China | 236 | NA | Not severe/critical patients | Standard care plus arbidol (0.2 g tid) | Standard care plus favipiravir | Rate of symptom alleviation on day 7, Incidence of composite endpoint and adverse events, | 8 |
Wen et al 25 | Retrospective | Guangzhou, China | 94 | 54 | NA | Standard care plus arbidol (0.2 g tid) | Standard care | Negative rate of PCR on day 7 and day 14, Rate of symptom alleviation on day 7, Incidence of composite endpoint and adverse events | 7 |
Chen et al 26 | Retrospective | Shanghai, China | 82 | 44 | NA | Standard care plus IFN‐α2b and arbidol (0.2 g tid) | Standard care plus IFN‐α2b | Negative rate on day 7, Incidence of composite endpoint and adverse events, | 8 |
Li et al 31 | Exploratory RCT | Guangzhou, China | 52 | 50 | mild/moderate patients | Standard care plus arbidol (0.2 g tid) | Standard care | negative conversion time, Negative rate of PCR on day 7 and day 14, Rate of symptom alleviation on day 7 | 9 |
Xu et al 24 | Multicenter retrospective cohort study | Hubei and Shenzhen, China | 141 | 51 | Not severe/critical patients (without ventilation) | Standard care plus inhaled IFN‐α2b (bid, 5 ×10*5 IU) and arbidol (0.2gtid) | Standard care plus inhaled IFN‐α2b (bid, 5 ×10*5 IU) | negative conversion time | 6 |
Deng et al 28 | Retrospective cohort study | Guangdong Province, China | 33 | 41 | Not severe/critical patients (without ventilation) | Standard care plus lopinavir/ritonavir (0.4/0.1 g bid) and arbidol (0.2 g tid) | Standard care plus lopinavir/ritonavir (0.4/0.1 g bid) | Negative rate on day 7 and day 14 | 8 |
Lan et al 29 | Retrospective observational study | Zhejiang, China. | 73 | 52 | non‐ICU patients | Standard care plus lopinavir/ritonavir (0.4/0.1 g bid) and arbidol (0.2 g tid) | Standard care plus lopinavir/ritonavir (0.4/0.1 g bid) | negative conversion time, Incidence of composite endpoint, Hospital length of stay | 7 |
Liu et al 27 | Retrospective | Wuhan, China | 32 | 44 | NA | Standard care plus abidor (0.2 g tid) | Standard care | negative conversion time, Hospital length of stay, Incidence of composite endpoint | 6 |
Lian et al 12 | Retrospective | Wuhan, China | 81 | 60 | non‐ICU patients | Standard care plus umifenovir (0.2 g tid) | Standard care | Hospital length of stay, negative conversion time | 8 |
Wang et al 11 | Retrospective | Wuhan, China | 69 | 42 | NA | Standard care plus arbidol | Standard care | Incidence of composite endpoint | 6 |
Chen et al 23 | Retrospective | Guangzhou, China | 109 | 48 | NA | Standard care plus arbidol | Standard care | negative conversion time, Negative rate of PCR on day 14, Hospital length of stay | 9 |
Abbreviations: ICU, intensive care unit; IFN: interferon; NA, not acquired; RCT, randomized controlled trial.
Note: bid, twice a day; composite endpoint, admission to ICU or mechanical ventilation or death; tid, three times a day.