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. 2020 Aug 6;33(6):e13986. doi: 10.1111/dth.13986


Case reports of COVID‐19 skin manifestations

First author Title Cutaneous manifestation Case characteristic Accompanied by COVID‐19 symptoms Drug history Involvement site Skin biopsy Duration of skin lesion
Andrea Estébanez Cutaneous manifestations in COVID‐19: a new contribution 8 Pruritic erythematous‐yellowish papules 28‐year‐old woman 15 days after COVID‐19 diagnose 10 days after last dose of paracetamol On both heels Not reported Not reported
Henry, D Urticarial eruption in COVID‐19 infection 9 Pruritic disseminated erythematous plaques eruption 27‐year‐old woman Before fever and respiratory syndrome Not reported Particular face and acral involvement Not reported Not reported
B. ahouach Cutaneous lesions in a patient with COVID‐19: are they related? 10 Rash (Diffuse fixed erythematous blanching maculopapular lesions) 57‐year‐old woman 2 days after fever and in same time with dry cough Not reported Limbs and trunk and palms Slight spongiosis, basal cell vacuolation and mild perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate Not reported
Anwar Alramthan

A case of COVID‐19 presenting in clinical picture resembling chilblains disease. First report from the Middle East 11

Rash (red‐purple papules) A 27‐year‐old females Asymptotic, RT‐PCR confirmed COVID‐19 Not reported Acral areas (dorsal aspect of fingers bilaterally) Not reported Not reported
Rash (red‐purple papules) + diffused erythema 35‐year‐old female + subungual area of the right thumb asymptotic RT‐PCR confirmed COVID‐19 Not reported Acral areas (dorsal aspect of fingers bilaterally) Not reported Not reported
Nerea landa Chilblain‐like lesions on feet and hands during the COVID‐19 Pandemic 12 Reddish and papular resembling chilblains after 1 week they become more purpuric and flattened (referred discomfort or pain when palpated) 15 year old male Same time with chest x‐ray showing mild bilateral pneumonia Not reported Five in toes and heels Not reported Not reported
23 year old female 3 weeks after COVID‐19 symptoms Not reported Toes (were a little itchy) Not reported Not reported
44 year old male 10 days after COVID‐19 symptoms Not reported Toe (slightly painful) Not reported Not reported
91 year old male 3 weeks after COVID‐19 confirmed by PCR Not reported Toe Not reported Not reported
24 year old female after COVID‐19 confirmed by PCR Not reported Toes Not reported Not reported
15 year old female 1 week after COVID‐19 symptoms Not reported Fingers and heels (mildly painful when pressing) Not reported Not reported
Wu, Ping A child confirmed COVID‐19 with only symptoms of conjunctivitis and eyelid dermatitis 13 Dermatitis 2 years and 10 months old 7 days after RT‐PCR confirmed COVID‐19 Not reported Eyelid Not reported 5 days
Sachdeva, Muskaan Cutaneous manifestations of COVID‐19: Report of three cases and a review of literature 14 Maculo‐papular rash 71‐year‐old Caucasian woman 10 dayes after COVID‐19 symptomes No medication Trunk (itchy) Not reported Not reported
Diffuse maculopapular exanthem (morbilliform) + macular hemorrhagic rash 77‐year‐old Caucasian woman At the same time with COVID‐19 symptoms Not reported Trunk + legs Not reported Not reported
Papular‐vesicular, pruritic eruption 72‐year‐old Caucasian woman 4 days After COVID‐19 symptoms Not reported Sub‐mammary folds, trunk and hips Not reported Not reported
Rivera‐Oyola, Ryan Dermatologic findings in two patients with COVID‐19 15 Rash and scattered erythematous macules coalescing into papules 60‐year‐old male 3 days after COVID‐19 symptoms no recent changes to her medications Back, flanks, groin and upper thighs Mild perivascular infiltrate of predominantly mononuclear cells surrounding the superficial blood vessels and epidermis showed scattered foci of hydropic changes along with minimal acanthosis, slight spongiosis and foci of parakeratosis 7 days
Mild hemi‐facial atrophy and scoliosis, generalized, pruritic rash, large, disseminated, urticarial plaques 60‐year‐old woman 9 days after COVID‐19 symptoms no recent changes to her medications Trunk, head, upper and lower extremities Not reported 1 day
Manalo, Iviensan F. A Dermatologic Manifestation of COVID‐19: Transient Livedo Reticularis 16 transient non‐pruritic blanching unilateral livedoid patch 67‐year‐old Caucasian male 7 days after COVID‐19 symptoms Not reported Right anterior thigh Not reported 1 day
Unilateral asymptomatic rash 47‐year‐old Caucasian female 10 days after RT‐PCR confirmed COVID‐19 Not reported Right leg Not reported 1 day
Mahé, A. A distinctive skin rash associated with Coronavirus Disease 2019? 17 Erythematous rash 64 years old woman 4 days after COVID‐19 symptoms 4 days after began to take oral paracetamol Both antecubital fossa, extended on the trunk and axillary folds Not reported 5 days
Lu, S. Alert for non‐respiratory symptoms of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID‐19) patients in epidemic period: A case report of familial cluster with three asymptomatic COVID‐19 patients 18 Generalized Urticaria Not reported 1 week after dry cough Not reported Generalized Not reported Not reported
Hunt, M. A Case of COVID‐19 Pneumonia in a Young Male with Full Body Rash as a Presenting Symptom 19 Diffuse morbilliform maculopapular rash 20 years old man Fever and rash simultaneously Not reported Trunk, extremities Not reported Not reported
Magro, C. Complement associated microvascular injury and thrombosis in the pathogenesis of severe COVID‐19 infection: a report of five cases 20 Retiform purpura with extensive surrounding inflammation 32 years old male One week after fever and cough he became ventilator dependent, 4 days after ventilator support skin rash appeared hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin and remdesivir Buttocks There was a significant degree of interstitial and perivascular neutrophilia with prominent leukocytoclasia. IHC showed striking and extensive deposition of C5b‐9 within the microvasculature Not reported
Dusky purpuric patches 66 years old woman 9 days after having fever, cough, diarrhea and chest pain, she became hypoxemic and after 11 days in hospital skin rash appeared Hydroxychloroquine, enoxaparin Palms and soles bilaterally Extensive vascular deposits of C5b‐9 (figure 6C), C3d, and C4d were observed throughout the dermis, with marked deposition in an occluded artery. Not reported
Mildly purpuric reticulated eruptions, consistent with livedo racemosa 40‐year‐old woman after 2 weeks of dry cough, fever, myalgias, diarrhea, and progressive dyspnea Not reported chest, legs and arms . Significant vascular deposits of C5b‐9 and C4d Not reported
Chen, Y. Infants Born to Mothers with a New Coronavirus (COVID‐19) 21 Diffuse maculopapular rash and Facial skin ulceration Above 37‐week gestational age infant edema of the lateral thigh Nothing Diffuse Not reported 1 day
First on forehead and progress to diffuse small miliary red papules Above 37‐week gestational age infant TTN (transient tachypnea of the newborn) Nothing Not reported Not reported 8‐9 days
Najarian Morbilliform exanthem associated with COVID‐19 22 Pruritic progressive erythematous macules gradually changed to patches 58‐year‐old Hispanic male Cough and pain in hands and legs 3 days ago azithromycin and benzonatate legs, thighs, forearms, arms, shoulders, back, chest, and abdomen Not reported 2 days
Hoenig, Leonard J. Rash as a Clinical Manifestation of COVID‐19 Photographs of a Patient 23 Erythematous, edematous, malar eruption 26 years old man Sore throat, malaise, ache, nonproductive cough, anosmia, ageusia, fever adalimumab Face Not reported 6 days
Jimenez‐Cauhe, Juan Reply to “COVID‐19 can present with a rash and be mistaken for Dengue”: Petechial rash in a patient with COVID‐19 infection 24 Erythemato‐purpuric, millimetric, coalescing macules 84‐year‐old woman 3 days after hospitalization (11 days after COVID‐19 symptoms) hydroxychloroquine and lopinavir/ritonavir Flexural regions mainly in peri‐axillary area Not reported Not reported
Quintana‐Castanedo, Lucía Urticarial exanthem as early diagnostic clue for COVID‐19 infection 25 Pruritic urticarial rash consisting of confluent, edematous and erythematous papules 61‐year‐old Spanish Medical Doctor Not reported No drug during the last 2 months Thighs, arms, and forearms Not reported 7 days
Miriam Morey Cutaneous manifestations in the current pandemic of coronavirus infection disease (COVID 2019) 26 Erythematous, confluent, nonpruritic maculopapular rash 6‐year old boy 2 weak after symptoms and 48 hours after confirmed COVID‐19 test Not reported Trunk and neck that gradually spread to the cheeks and upper and lower extremities, reaching the palms of the hands Not reported 5 days
Acute urticaria, apparently pruritic 2‐ month old girl 4 days after low fever, at the same time with COVID‐19 cinfirm Not reported Face and upper extremities and spread in a few hours to the trunk and lower extremities Not reported 5 days