Figure 1.
Cellular States are Enriched in Specific Anatomical Features of Glioblastoma. (a) Summary of the enriched cellular states in the five anatomical regions analyzed within GBM by the IvyGAP project. Averaged, log2-transformed, expression of cellular state signature genes in (b) - Microvascular proliferation (MVP). (c) Infiltrating Tumor (IT); (d) - Leading Edge (LE); (e) - Pseudopallisading cells around necrosis (PAN); and (F) - Cellular Tumor (CT). Abbreviations: NPC - Neural Precursor-Like, OPC - Oligodendrocyte Precursor-Like, AC - Astrocyte-Like, MES - Mesenchymal-Like. Statistics: One-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons test. * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, & p<0.001, # p<0.0001.